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This game is going to get me in trouble. Went home at lunch and started playing a night QB. Ran into a JagdTiger hiding next to some woods near a VL. Machine gun emplacement dugin in the middle of the woods. My two Sherman 105 Infantry Support Tanks and one of my Pershings are sitting in the open 120 meters away firing like mad and all shells are bouncing or breaking up. One shot immobilized the JagdTiger which then shot one of the Shermans causing a catastrophic explosion. (that new explosion mod is awesome) I dropped smoke around the machinegun and enemy tank. Had three squads of elite allied 45's rush the machinegun emplacement and had 3 bazooka's run to the woods edge facing the rear of the JagdTiger. Three shots and the third bazooka man got the kill. The enemy crew jumps out of tank pissed as hell. Rush into the woods and point blank murder two bazooka teams and half of the third before one of the squads covering open up and kill the enemy crew. I have got to remember those crew guys carry weapons! Keep those bazooka's covered. Of course by this time I was late getting back from lunch. Man this game is addictive.

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Hey Sergeant Saunders - your indiscriminate shelling ignited some sort of explosive device in a two story house that had an Elite Sharpshooter hiding in it. Just at the 60 Second mark a round came in from town (almost sure it was a shell from a tank) and hit the back side of the house. A secondary explosion then happened in the middle of the house and I heard the sharpshooter scream, "My arm!, My leg" and then he was eliminated. You are seriously messing with my second recon team!

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I had the exact same problem when using a 'zook to destroy a pillbox 75mm from behind. The *$**& crew boiled out of the pillbox and murdered the bazooka unit in hand to hand combat - gamey bastards.

For the next pillbox I got behind, I had two squads escort the 'zook. Result - the crew died in a hail of bullets before they even had a chance to surrender (their arms were raising in surrender when the last man died -I'll have to convene a court of inquiry about that one ;) )

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I hear that! It was surreal being 120 meters from a monster like that and having 10 to 12 shots just bounce off with no effect (well one did get a track hit). The scary part was the JagdTiger was not shooting back! I was thinking something was wrong...then suddenly the Sherman 105 starts backing up - the JagdTiger shoots and blows that tank to smithereens! Thats when I knew I had to get behind that beast to take it out. Lucky I had two 81 Arty FO's that could lay smoke in 6 seconds. Which goes to say that it is a good thing to let your FO's hang near the action!

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You did check out the superstructure armor on that monster, right? If you haven't, take a look. Maybe the bugger was designed with Soviet heavies in mind, but it's massively overarmored (what, something like 250mm front superstructure?) and overgunned (128mm or so) for anything it's likely to face in CM:BO.

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