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A very unique challenge - Fireman's Brigade

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I created a scenario that I feel offers a very interesting battle. "The Germans have been pushed back to a small section of land which houses their headquarters. The surrounding area is primarily pine and grain fields with a narrow dirt road running through the heart of the land. The German army is hopelessly outgunned, but they have 2 aces up their sleeve:

1. They can dig in and set ambushes for the advancing Allied troops.

2. They have a wide assortment of fire-making units (hence the name Fireman's Brigade).

This scenario has been tested very, very thoroughly, and we have found only one way for the Germans to win. Once again, the title should help you figure out what you need to do (how do you fight a forest fire?).

Please try it out. I think you'll find the detail in this battle is second to none, and you'll enjoy an experience you've never had in CM before.

If you need hints on how to be successful in the scenario as the Germans, you can e-mail me: jpinard@home.com

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Von Brizee. Did you win? You seem to have caught on to the strategy maybe??? :)

The ambushes that can be done in this scenario are sooooo much fun!

I would have LOVED to have seen that grenade that took out 3 tanks. WOW!! You probably didn't take a screenshot did you?

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I didn't finish it yet. I am now at the point where the USA is rushing me with it's horde of infantry. I am thinking of just having all my guys run for the rear and burn the terrain where they escape from to stop the US. They have so many guys! So far I have lost about 2/3 of my infantry, all my mortars, and one of my halftracks. I have killed all of the first Sherman attack and am bleeding their infantry pretty well.

Don't have the screenshot but it wouldn't look like much. The tanks didn't explode in the fire, the guys just bailed on them so all it looks like is 3 tanks sitting in a burned road.

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Very interesting strategy...

Those of us that tested it, never tried what you're doing...

Are your recoilless rifles still alive?

I must say, I learnednew respect for Ppiioneer platoons from this scenario. That pack of flour sure packs a punch when they're close enough! :)

How many tanks have you destroyed? They have quite a few, a couple of Priests, plus I believe a few greyhounds as well.

The AI does an excellent job with this scenario as the Allies...

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Okay I just finished the scenario. I actually had basically an intact platoon hold it's own in the woods with the assistnace of a FT. They then went into the USA rear and started killing arty spotters, mortars, MG's etc. By this time most of the US vehicles were dead, and I got a lucky flame shot that ignited a field, killing 2 and trapping one. Most of the forest was burned at this point. A Greyhound and M10 got thru where I was leaving a corridor open for counterattack. They killed 3 of my halftrakcs before I rushed the Greyhound with my Pioneers and then my tanks arrived. The M10 blasted my Tiger immediately since it's gun was aimed right at it. The M10 then died. I left a Stug back at my HQ and sent all my other vehicles forward. They met up with the Brit armor reinforcements and we each had basically equal losses. One of my tanks got immoblized in brush somehow so I had to ditch it. My wirbelwind got blown up by a US grenade. At this time I was rushing for the US Victory Flag. I got to it, and my HQ was under a very large infantry attack. My Stug was out of MG ammo and my MG42 was running low but I held them off. Pulled off a Tac Victory. I liked this one a lot

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