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Bug - VCR Controls Locking and Time Travel

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Sorry I couldn't find reference to this by searching but it probably has already been reported?

1. In 1.03, QuickBattle, my VCR controls sometimes go screwy. When moving through the 1 minute turn, if I hit advance or back I can then only get the turn at the :00 time or the :60 time, nothing in-between.

2. Last night, something even odder happened. I played the turn and hit fast forward. The thing moved to the end of turn and I saw that one of my Schreck teams had knocked out an advancing sherman. Nice. Through some combination of rewinds, I managed to start the turn again and got a completely different result! At the end of the turn, the shermans had fired at my schreck team and killed it, never advancing to the same spot.

3. I also started to get strange times in the area reserved for the second count. A 5-6 digit number appears rather than the normal 2 digit timer, and I am able to keep fast forwarding for a very large number of times. Their troops can keep advancing until they have completely gone past my own defensive lines.

So is this already known and fixed; Can I help to fix it; Have I just got a bad batch ;) ?



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I posted about the very same problem a few weeks ago. I found the problem on my system. Hopefully this will help you.

I have a celeron 300a which was overclocked to 374Mhz. I played all kind of games at that rate and never had problem. I even played the Beta demo of CM without any problem. As soon as I installed the released version, the VCR started acting exactly like you mentioned. I put back the processor at the normal speed (no overclocking) and everything has been running smooth as silk since then.

Then again you might have a different problem. Let me know if it works.


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Interesting piece of data, thanks. I'm not overclocking but obviously this is a reasonably fast chipset. I wonder how many people are playing with systems this fast, and whether there is any possibility that we are violating some timing "considerations" in code?


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