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CMBB autosave

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Martin Krejcirik:

Wouldn't it be nice, if CMBB had an option to disable autosave ?

I'm trying to think of a scenario where this would be useful. Or, more succinctly, "why?"
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I think he is referring to the built-in "cheat" that autosave can be. For example, say you make a boneheaded move that wipes out your Tiger. You don't like the result so you just merely quit the game, go to autosave and suddenly your back where you started and the boneheaded move never happened (this is assuming you didn't hit "done" button in said turn before quiting the game). In essence, built in reset button.

I say keep it. If people want to use it, let them. It's their game. If they want to be more "honest" than they can do that too with current system.

[ February 06, 2002, 08:28 PM: Message edited by: Commissar ]

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Originally posted by Commissar:

I say keep it. If people want to use it, let them. It's their game. If they want to be more "honest" than they can do that too with current system.

Why would anyone want to cheat themselves? When I screw up and back my KT into a zook that I saw on the last turn but ignored even though it was only ten meters away from the KT's ass and he brews up the beast and I curse and cry, it just makes me NOT do that again and makes me use what is left of my resources that much better. Who wants to finish a scenario with all their tanks intact and 54 enemy tanks destroyed if no one cares but the player anyway? It would take me 15mins of playing any game in this fashon to get completely sick of it, and either play it without cheats, or toss it in the garage sale box. :rolleyes:
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Originally posted by Commissar:

People do a whole lot of stuff that don't make sense but do them anyway.

smile.gif Yeah, I know. I can see how it would be funny to drop into a twich game with god mode on and frag everyone. I can also see the humor of playing a double blind scenario against a long time rival when you damn well know what is on the map and where. I just don't understand cheating in a single player game. Why would I play a single player Half-Life or Medal of Honor with all weapons and unlimited ammo on? It would just ruin the challange and suprises the game had for me. Sure, maybe after I've been through the single player game four or five times just for kicks, but I don't understand cheating at all in CM. If I loose that KT because of a stupid move or an excellently placed AT gun, it is because I deserved to. I don't want to step back one turn and save the tank. Where is the challange in that? The challange in CM is learning from those mistakes to make better tactical decisions in future games. If I cheat, I basicly cheat myself. So why would someone else do it?

I guess it is like you said: "People do a whole lot of stuff that don't make sense. . ." :cool:

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I had someone come over to play the MOHAA demo on my computer and he would only play it with all the weapons and God mode. Quite frankly, it's boring that way. But then again, he sucks at games and wouldn't last 5 seconds otherwise. The fact that he always uses cheats is probably why. Like in life, if you always take the cheap and dirty route you don't improve, you don't progress. If you are too afraid of losing to play honestly, then don't play at all. The worst are people who cheat online in multiplay. There is no real satisfaction in crushing your enemy and driving him off the battlefield like the girly-man he is if you used a script/cheat to make yourself invincible or whatever.

However, using cheats every now and then is interesting if you want to test something out or you just can't get passed some stage for whatever reason.

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Just another thought on using 'save' and replaying a game from a certain spot forward. I play chess with my computer. I like to load famous game positions, (or even some of my old ones), and play them again with different tactics. I never thought of that as 'cheating myself'. I've been thinking of it as 'learning' or 'trying to get better'. In CM, at certain points I realize I'm about to make a crucial decision, (sometimes I don't realize it!), like - expose my armor - commit my reserves now, etc. I'll save, and then play out the game. Then, whether I've done well, or done poorly, I go back to that point and make another decision, then play it out again. I've really learned a lot that way - or so it seems to me. One of the things I like most is setting up defences - and seeing how that plays out. I save those, before starting the game, all the time. Then I go back to the saved game, change my forward defense to a closed defence, or whatever it is I'm working on, and let the AI attack me again. Lots of fun from my point of view, and helping me get better. So.. not commenting on 'cheats', but the original post on saving, not to disagree, cause I think folks here were posting what works for them - but I wonder what you all think of using 'save' as I do. Does that seem like cheating??

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