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Problems with AFVs on slopes

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Has anyone ever had problems with tracked vehicles on slopes? In a QB PBEM game I had an american TD (the one with th 76mm gun) attempt to crest the side of a rather steep hill. I told it to Hunt up and then stop at the crest to take a shot a German 75mm Assault HT. About halfway up the slope of the hill my TD turned around and REVERSED up the hill only to expose it's rear. Needless the say the HT knocked it out. The conditions were clear & dry and the slope & hill were completely bald. Why did my TD do this? Does the weight of a AFV give it trouble with traction on an incline? I would rather see it just stop then reverse up the hill ass first. Has anyone had this trouble before? it's a first for me. Would a wheeled vehicle have the same problem?

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Let me clarify this. The side of the hill that I attempted to traverse was not a "slope". What I mean is that the hunt order line did not turn red when I was placing it and it did not say "slope" when I had the cursor over it. It was a side of a hill, but not a "slope" square on the map. I do believe the AI gave different move orders, but I don't understand why it would reverse up it when it could continue to hunt or at least move up the hill.

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Originally posted by General Petrovsky:

Let me clarify this. The side of the hill that I attempted to traverse was not a "slope". What I mean is that the hunt order line did not turn red when I was placing it and it did not say "slope" when I had the cursor over it. It was a side of a hill, but not a "slope" square on the map. I do believe the AI gave different move orders, but I don't understand why it would reverse up it when it could continue to hunt or at least move up the hill.

The line does not turn red when you plot over (instead of into) the invalid area.

To prevent this from happening, you have to move your mouse precisely along the intended path to tell that there is really no red-terrain in the way.

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