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CMBB Tank Command and Infantry HQs

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A nit on Tank command delays in CMBB.

Will Tanks be considered 'In Command' if near enough to Company or Battallion HQs?

I agree that Platoon HQs should probably be out of the question for this, but I don't see why a Battallion HQ couldn't 'pick up' a tank for a couple of turns if within command radius. It seems that a tank could get orders and direction from a superior HQ on the ground as effectively as it could from another tank using flags.

Example: T-34 has platoon mates shot away and retreats to the rear (AI or Human commands). It ends up 10m from the Battallion command post (runners, radiomen, a couple of political officers with SMGs). It seems reasonable to me that orders/info could be given to the tank within the limits of normal 'In Command' delays. 'Head up that hill and engage the enemy Comrade!' or 'Panzers coming down that road at 250m, move to flank them!' seem to be both communicable and no more complicated than orders from a higer up Tank.

Any thoughts on either the realism or mechanics of this (feature)?

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did Russian tanks come equipped with the external telephones used by Western Vehicles a lot for infantry coordination?

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Originally posted by YankeeDog:

At the very least, you'd have to account for whether the tank was buttoned or not.

If the tank was buttoned, it would be near impossible for an infantry HQ 'on the outside' to communicate with it unless the HQ was almost on top of it.

For a combined arms group consisting of infantry and armor where the battalion commander is infantry, such command structure would be highly unrealistic during World War II. Armor and infantry units did not combine command structures. While there was some interaction between units- such as 'please Mr. Tank, take out that pillbox for us'- the command structures between armor and infantry units were not integrated. In fact during Operation Cobra (July-August, 1944), US infantry and armored radio sets were even a different frequency and could not be used for communication between the two units.

And, that is not even considering Russian armor/infantry TO&Es nor deployment patterns. I would hope that unit bonuses would not be linked between an infantry company/battalion HQ and an armored unit.

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