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CMBO: Tactical Advice Requested

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I am requesting some tactical recommendations for a battle which I just completed last night.

I have finished playing a scenario against the AI as the Germans versus the British. I won't go into too much detail about the scenario as there is no need to turn this into a spoiler.

* Overview *

The scenario was a meeting engagement with three flags and 60 minute clock. Despite being a meeting engagement, I pretty much started with control of two of the three flags. The flag I did not control was situated in a very large continuous wooded area on my right flank.

* Minutes 0-5 *

Despite being a meeting engagement, I treat the battle as a hasty defense. I scramble to establish reasonably defensible positions.

* Minutes 5-20 *

The British make a big armored thrust down a road on my right flank. After harsh fighting, I eliminate 8 British tanks at a cost of two of my own tanks. Kill ratio of 4:1. I have two tanks left. (However, my two remaining tanks will fall to fighter bomber attacks before seeing additional action.)

* Minutes 20-40 *

With the demise of the British armor, the battlefield falls into an uneasy quite. During the time before, I saw one or two British infantry units probe out of the woods on my right flank. Given that it is from that direction that the armor thrust came, a flag not in my control sits in the woods, and the probe; I assume that it is just a question of time before an infantry assault in force comes out of the woods.

So, my strategy is: establish defensive positions right beyond the woods. This means: infantry situated in heavy buildings, HMG units, hidden mortar parks, flame throwers, 20mm flak guns, and be prepared to drop whatever arty I have on the woods.

Given that I still have, at least, 30 minutes to take the flag in the woods, I am in no hurry. I assume that the British will mount a few assualts out of the woods and I will maul them badly. (I know that flags often act as magnets to the AI and that it grinds forces up trying to reach them.) I figure that once I have weakened the British greatly with minimal casualties on my side that I can then make my final push on the woods.

* Minutes 40-60 *

Despite being exceedling well prepared for a British assault, it never comes. I have done some probing of the woods and I am quite sure that the British are in there. So, before the final 10 minutes a lay whatever arty I have close to the objective (1x120mm spotter and 1x150mm spotter). My arty resources are quite limited in this scenario.

I begin to doubt if the British really had a large infantry force to begin with, since I have seen so few units.

I enter the woods and move forward in an uncoordinated with 4 platoons (two are understrength). I discover that the entire British infantry force has congregated around this flag. Despite my prior arty barrage, I suffer severe losses and the battle ends with this flag being contested.

The end result is a minor victory for my side.


Now, the question is what could or should I have done? (Note, I did not have any SMG/LMG units.)

Here is what I think I should have done:

(1) Not have underestimated the numbers of British infantry. (You know that a meeting engagement has to be somewhat balanced.)

(2) Be prepared to have moved every available platoon into the woods. Attempt to pack my units into as dense a space as possible. This would have maximized my fire power given the limited LOS in the woods and that the British were probably scattered.

(3) Advance slowly and incorporated flame thrower units into my force. With so much fire power and the limited LOS, the flame thrower units would be less likely to come under fire and could have served to break enemy positions.

(4) Strip local platoon leaders from their platoons and place my force under the command of one or two HQ units with command and combat bonuses.

(5) Set up HMG units with LOS in scattered trees to the treeline of the woods. This would have allowed them to pick off British units attempting to flee or flank my assault force.

What would you have done in a similar situation?

Thanks for your suggestions!

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This combination worked well for me in a dense woods fight I had a few months ago.

Pinned the enemy at the edge of the woods then began a slow advance.

Pounded the enemy located deep in the woods at the VL with mortar fire.

Flanked the pinned enemy and those located deeper in the woods ____/ with a strong force that was closely knit and had lots of depth so that in the 30 to 40m range in the woods, lots of firepower could be put on discovered enemy units. Plus follow up units were only about 20 m behind the first line. Follow up units had the flame throwers.

A combination of your

#2 and #3

Reminded me of the Wilderness Campaign...

Robert E. Toad.

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