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Real Campaign rules Question

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I have looked at those virtual campaigns that exists ona the web, but i have found them either to advanced or not-joinable, or simply just way to slow, i dont want to wait 6 months but start a campaign now. The pages i have visit doesnt explain a bit of the concept, but rather assumes that visitors are VERY WELL familiar with those projects.

So i was wondering, is there simple rules of conduct to use as campaign and even a historical campaign to use?

Or is there anyone here interested in creating such campaign for hotseat games, not to advanced and not a 2 year project, preferrable small maps and small engagements, max 3-400pts battles?

LOOK HERE all finns!!! I am a history-buff and have read alot about finnish winterwar, so ultimately i would like a campaign based on this.

With best regards, Vils.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Short answer: Do it yourself! Become a game master, develop a series of 6-7 battles covering the time and area you want, advertise hear for 4-5 players and have at it! It can be a lot of fun that way.

Said and done!

I need interested players for brainstorming! a virtual finnish war against russia is about to be born in near future on a small scale basis. ANY experienced players please contact me!

I will publish an outcast later but as of now i need help. I can give free webhosting, mailing-lists and complete covarage of history, scanning files etc no problem, but the campaign rules need to be set, as of now i have only a alpha version of it, so advice regarding this would be great!

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Originally posted by vils:

I need interested players for brainstorming! a virtual finnish war against russia is about to be born in near future on a small scale basis. ANY experienced players please contact me!

I'm interested. Send me an email and let's think about it.
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