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The Bridge at Remagen (New Scenerio Design)

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I have just started designing another Scenerio for the Remagen Bridge as I was very taken by the excellent one designed by Juan Ramon Lopez Letamendi. I am in the process of modelling the Ludendorff Bridge and surroundings, this appears to be the easy bit, I have taken alot of ideas from the film of the same name. the only thing I'm having a problem with is order of battle for Axis and Allies. If anyone has any idea please let me know.

I know this much, when the head of Combat Command B, General William Hoge, observed that the bridge was still standing, he ordered the 27th Armored Infantry Battalion to go down the hill and attack the town of Remagen prior to possibly crossing the bridge before it was blown up. At the same time, the 14th Tank Battalion of the 9th Armored Division was ordered to proceed to the west side of the bridge after helping to clean out the defenders in the town of Remagen. General Hoge was actually violating his orders, which were to turn south to join up with General Patton's third Army etc.

I need approx numbers etc of both allies and axis and obviously equipment etc. As you can see I am trying to make this as accurate as possible.

If anyone can help I would be very grateful.



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Hammerstein ,

For the US OOB , Juan Ramos has done an outstanding job. When it comes to the German OOB....well , don´t get fooled by the Hollywood movie:

1.) The " Brueckensicherungskommando " ( Bridge Security Unit ) consists of 63 soldiers and - IIRC - 1 MG 42 in one of the towers.

2.) The HJ and Volkssturm units ( some of these were equipped with WWI rifles...one guy had a SWORD !!! ) were sent home by the commanding officer Major Hans Scheller before the action starts.

3.) The Artillery/88er battery on the " Erpeler Ley " ( the hill on the eastern bank of the Rhine behind the bridge ) seems to be pure fiction ( but I have to check my sources again ). IIRC there was a kind of " experimental " rocket launcher unit on the hill .... without any ammunition..and a few 20mm AA flak guns in the area.

BTW: in contrast to the movie , not a single US soldier died when Timmermann´s men stormed the bridge , but several Gi´s were wounded when they tried to climb the " Erpeler Ley " later.

As you can see , a " historical " OOB for a CM scenario wouldn´t be much fun to play , but there are many interessting possible " What if´s ".

Check out the official Remagen Bridge website at




[ March 18, 2002, 08:19 PM: Message edited by: Tom TCMHQ ]

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Hammerstein, I'm pleased you had a good time with my "Remagen" scenario (please, post a review in "The Scenario Depot").

But Tom is right. When I sent the scenario to him he gave me all the information he had about the German OOB. Then I realized that an absolute historical scenario wasn't possible although you like the totally-unbalanced battles. So, we decide to maintain the battle more in a Hollywood action style (more playability) than in a real-but-absolutely-unbalanced style.

But, if you are decided to make another "Remagen Bridge" approximation ... good luck! ;)

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Thanks for the feedback from what you have all said its looking more and more likely that I will go with a type of semi historical scenario.

I.E: From what I've seen in the film and what I have read its highly likely that the German post at Ludendorff Bridge could have been releived by elements of a Panzer Brigade, which one I'm not sure but this as Tom has said would make for an excellent what if Scenerio.

I will keep you posted on when the Scenerio is ready, (Having trouble putting the Bridge bitmaps together at the mo).


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