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CMMM Beta Testers Wanted

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I'd really appreciate a shakedown of and feedback on the Combat Mission Mod Manager I've been hacking.

Screen shots are at


It will work with CMBO or CMBB but the data files it comes with are for CMBO. however it's *really easy* to create data files for CMBB.

It's written in Java so you will need or be prepared to get JRE1.4 from Sun's website.

I haven't forgotten the Mac users and soon(ish) it will be availiable for Macs'.

If you'd care to offer a bit of your time then please send me an email.


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Just sent you an email Mike, I'd be happy to beta test and report to you on what I find.

I'm at the point that I've got so many mods installed that I don't know what is what anymore, so I'm going to restore the original bmp's and then reload fav mods using your tool.



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