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Newbie Missions

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All the scenarios are meant to be balanced. You may find it easier to start on smaller scenarios so you can give all your troops the fullest attention.... ;)

Once you've got the hang of it you'll be taking the AI on at 100%+ forces.

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Try the tutorial that comes with the CD first off.

Combat Mission HQ.com will also give you links to sites that have battles for newbies.

You can also create a few quick battles under different conditions which will help you develop your skills. Then you can go to the OPPONENT FINDER forum on this site for real head to head competition, which is probably the best teaching tool around.

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Start with the tutorial - there's some suggestions in the manual for how to start out in it.

Then play "Chance Encounter" as the Allies, it's pretty easy to win that way.

If you want some advice on tactics, go to the start of the "Anthology of Useful Posts" thread in the the "Tips and Tricks" section of the forum.

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Agreed with the others: start with the tutorial, then Chance Encounter. If you're up for a challenge after that, try "Last Defense" as the Americans or Riesberg (as either side, though I find the German side somewhat harder).

Depending on what side you choose, the marked "TRAINING" scenarios can provide a good bit of fighting, as well as knowledge for future battles.

[ August 25, 2002, 11:55 PM: Message edited by: Gen. Sosaboski ]

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