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1) Why can't I combine the 'assault' command with other commands? It would be very helpfull especially in infantry vs tank combat. Typical situation - I have some infantry ~30-60 meters away from a tank in a wood. I want them to assault the tank. If I order them to assault the tank, they run straight to it and get butchered in the open. I can not order to move closer to the tank in covered terraine with waypoints and assault only the last few meters, cause 'assault' can't be combined. If I only order normal movement with waypoints, they move close to the tank and stay there instead of attack the tank with handgrenades/special weapons (except they have Panzerfausts).

2) It would be a small, but nice improvement if a hidden FO automatical unhides when I give him a fire order - like any other unit.

3) Why can a sniper not 'advance'?

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1) Assaults need to be ordered, prepared, planned and executed by a number of men working together. They might also need a little "motivational talk" to raise and storm into the enemy (literally). It's not something you can order "on the fly". In the situation you describe (assaulting a tank), you are supposed to move in as close as you can, then order the assault in the next order phase, simulating the time and effort needed to execute such an extremely bold maneuver.

2) Good question, I thought that was the case to be honest...

3) "Advance" by definition includes movement by bounds (one part of a squad remains in place as the other storms forward a few meters, being covered by the other half), which isn't possible when ordering around just one soldier...


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Originally posted by Scipio:

1) Why can't I combine the 'assault' command with other commands? It would be very helpfull especially in infantry vs tank combat. Typical situation - I have some infantry ~30-60 meters away from a tank in a wood. I want them to assault the tank. If I order them to assault the tank, they run straight to it and get butchered in the open. I can not order to move closer to the tank in covered terraine with waypoints and assault only the last few meters, cause 'assault' can't be combined. If I only order normal movement with waypoints, they move close to the tank and stay there instead of attack the tank with handgrenades/special weapons (except they have Panzerfausts).


Originally posted by Scipio:

3) Why can a sniper not 'advance'?

Because advance involves moving forward by leapfrogging in small groups from cover to cover to make it more difficult for the enemy to aim. Doing it with one person is pointless because the enemy can just key in on him and wait till he gets up to sprint forward. BLAMO!
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1)Mh, I see the point, but...

I have two platoons in command range.

I order platoon one to run 50 meters and stop in cover. Order delay - 10 seconds.

I order platoon two to assault 70 meters, delay 12 seconds - so does it need only two additonal seconds to plan an assault?

At the end of the action phase - platoon two (assault) has reached the position in 59 seconds. Assault is ordered to platoon one now. Delay twelve seconds again. Platoon one reaches position after (at all) 92 seconds.

I guess it would make more sense (even after reading the earlier answer by KwazyDog to Captain Wacky) to just add an additional time delay (maybe 5-10 seconds) when I order a movement + assault. Surprise is often important for an assault. Because of the borg spotting, somebody else (not the sheduled target, for example a tank) has noticed my assault. Because of the additional delay, the tank has time enough to move away and/or open fire on my men.

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Huh. That's odd.

I thought for sure that my tank hunter team that was reduced to one man (from 2 total) was still able to "advance."

It was my understanding that ADVANCE also implies just forward movement using cover and return fire. So a single man could still concievably ADVANCE.

He'd just stop at some cover, take a few pot shots, then keep moving at a low scurry.

Are you saying Rune, that any infantry unit/squad capable of ADVANCE normally, LOSES this ability once the squad is reduced to one man?

I don't think that is currently the case. I could be wrong though.

Maybe it's more like in the case of a sharpshooter, this was intentionally left out of his orders menu.


[ November 20, 2002, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]

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Scipio, the concept of assault in CMBB is an abstraction. Of course in real life you can order an assault after 10, 12, 69 or 92 seconds. But CM works in 60 second phases, so any order has to fit within that framework.

The idea of why assaults "take longer" is not to mean that people need to sit down and debate about whether to assault or not. A leader can shout "Assault!" as quickly as another can shout "Move!" What is NOT possible, however, is to have an assault take place "on the fly" as part of a string of other orders. Try to tell your men "move there and there, then crawl here, then assault this enemy position, then move here and here..." You might find out that your soldiers are not so willing to proceed after they crawled into assault position to find out that the last few meters in could hurt them badly. A squad needs to be re-organized for such an assault in order to ensure success.

Think of it this way: Assault is the only task a unit can be occupied with for 60 seconds, repeat: sixty seconds. Expecting a unit to assault for 30 seconds, then move somewhere else for 10 seconds, and do yet something else for the remaining 20 seconds does sound a little like micro-management smile.gif

Gpig, the availability of orders in CMBB is not tied to the actual headcount, you're right. That's why in theory a squad reduced to one man still will be able to advance. Again, an abstraction. If a unit can use advance (or some other orders) depends on the unit type only.


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