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Making computer AI more agreesive on attack?


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I've made a scenario in which a very large allied force attacks a village held by a much smaller, but well fortified, German force. The allies have three different avenues to cross the river and attack the village (2 bridges, 1 ford). Though no side of the village is truly undefended, there is at least one route that avoids the worst of the german defensive fire. The problem is, the allies wont even try assaulting the village. Rather, they mill around down in the valley, trading long range shots with the entrenched German AT vehicles and pillboxes. Even when most of the German AT threat is gone, they still won't move on the village. I even lowered the turns from 40 to 30.

The approximate force breakdown is as follows:

Germans: 2 88mm pillboxes, 2 88mm guns, 2 Tigers, 1 Jagdpanther, 2 PzIVJ's (held in reserve), numerous infantry, MG's and wooden pillboxes, all fortified in a walled village.

Allies: 18 tanks (various types), 6 SP guns, twice as much infantry as the germans, and quite a bit of artillery.

The allies generally take a heckuva beating in the first couple rounds, but they have the numbers to make up for it. Anyone know a way to make the allies get off their rears and move? Or does the inclusion of UK forces mean that they're being commanded by Montgomery? wink.gif Thanx.

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Try adding some 300 point victory flags in the direct path of the allies. Or even making an exit zone for the allied force.

The AI never seems to make a flanking attack.

You can also raise the force quality of the troops to veteran or crack.

The AI seems very timid attcking when it starts to get beat up early.

And I wouldnt shorten the number of turns, but increase it.

Hope this helps.


The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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Guest Napoleon1944

Best bet is to raise the experience levels to max on setup and try it. This happens with the Wiltz scenario, they just sit there. After I raised the experience level to max the AI did much better.

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