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Everything posted by 1kmm

  1. Okay, maybe its not a bug, but I think we can chalk it up to a poor design decision and inadequate documentation. If saved games and scenarios are both in the same file format, then ideally they should default to the correct folder when saving. The computer AI in the game itself is pretty brilliant, you would hope that the interface isn't completely brain-dead. At the very least there should be some mention of this in the manual. The unfortunate fact is that most of us are used to non-independantly produced games in which saved games, scenarios, and sometimes custom scenarios are all in different file formats. This is about my only complaint with CM, but it is an annoying one. [ 04-28-2001: Message edited by: 1kmm ]
  2. D'OH I think the problem is that the editor defaults to saving custom scenarios in the saved games file rather than the scenario folder. Since scenarios and saved games both have the same extension, .cmb, it means that scenarios can sometimes be overwritten is they're left in the saved games folder. A damn annoying bug that can cost you a lot of work.
  3. :mad: I just spent about two days creating what I think is a really cool scenario. The first time I loaded it in order to test-play, when I hit save, I automatically saved it under the same file name as the scenario name (as I genrally do when playing regular CM scenarios). The problem is, it overwrote my scenario file with a saved game file! When I try to open it in the scenario editor, it deletes the map, units, etc. What the hell is going on and how can I get my scenario back!!!????
  4. :mad: I just spent about two days creating what I think is a really cool scenario. The first time I loaded it in order to test-play, when I hit save, I automatically saved it under the same file name as the scenario name (as I genrally do when playing regular CM scenarios). The problem is, it overwrote my scenario file with a saved game file! When I try to open it in the scenario editor, it deletes the map, units, etc. What the hell is going on and how can I get my scenario back!!!????
  5. I'm on the fourth battle of the Carenton operation and am still not quite sure if I'm doing the right thing. In this operation, you're supposed to hold the village crossroads and two bridges. In all three battles, I've managed to hold the village and the bridges haven't even been attacked. However, at the beginning of each battle, I find my troops pushed out of the village! In the last battle, I even counter-attacked and retook the village in a bloody battle, yet I find myself once again starting far outside of the village - this time even farther than before! Is this supposed to simulate my forces being pushed back, then having to retake the village? Or am I just approaching this wrong? Anybody who's played this operation, let me know how it worked out for you.
  6. I've made a scenario in which a very large allied force attacks a village held by a much smaller, but well fortified, German force. The allies have three different avenues to cross the river and attack the village (2 bridges, 1 ford). Though no side of the village is truly undefended, there is at least one route that avoids the worst of the german defensive fire. The problem is, the allies wont even try assaulting the village. Rather, they mill around down in the valley, trading long range shots with the entrenched German AT vehicles and pillboxes. Even when most of the German AT threat is gone, they still won't move on the village. I even lowered the turns from 40 to 30. The approximate force breakdown is as follows: Germans: 2 88mm pillboxes, 2 88mm guns, 2 Tigers, 1 Jagdpanther, 2 PzIVJ's (held in reserve), numerous infantry, MG's and wooden pillboxes, all fortified in a walled village. Allies: 18 tanks (various types), 6 SP guns, twice as much infantry as the germans, and quite a bit of artillery. The allies generally take a heckuva beating in the first couple rounds, but they have the numbers to make up for it. Anyone know a way to make the allies get off their rears and move? Or does the inclusion of UK forces mean that they're being commanded by Montgomery? Thanx.
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