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Is The "General Winter" good for Finns and Soviets and bad for Germans etc in CM:BB?

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Originally posted by Geier:

I wouldn't touch anything...

(words excerpted for clarity) ...involving Finns with a ten-foot stick.

Which is fine, but why not let the rest of the world play with...(other extraneous words that inclined toward fair and reasonable comment excerpted on the basis of being fair and reasonable)... the Finns!

All finns were well-fed, well-trained and well-equipped and better! Fix, or do somefink!"

I'd rather stick with BTS and their researchers version of the simulation thank you very much.


Now, here in my Homeland, we know very little of this debate on climate, as Minnesota is a subtropical paradise, where swimming in open water is almost always possible by June. Well, late June.

However, we do have Finns. Well, rather, mostly their descendants, as the originals are mostly dead, which, of course, should be impossible, and indicates that Minnesota is not correctly modeling them. They came here from their own country seeking Freedoms they were not permitted in their native land: the right to fail, to fight poorly, to be no more capable than their neighbouring ethnic groups (this latter was often especially hard for them, and would often involve community wide meetings, soul searching, and 'lets simply be adequate' prayer sessions), and, finally, the freedom to not be 'Über'.

They settled in all the most hideous portions of our State (old habits die hard, and, after all, the Norwegians and Swedes had already passed on them, which made taking and holding them easy), shouldered picks and shovels, and gave their children taconite tailings to play with.

Here, in a land that opened it's arms to them (well, in fact, we simply didn't see any good reason to keep them out, given that we'd already let in all the other Scandinavians, and they looked rather pitiful standing there in the snow asking if they could come in and 'just be average'), they have finally come into their own.

In this Brave New World of simply being 'Good Enough', Finns were finally able to enjoy life, often without killing a single Russian, embracing any unbelievably questionable allies, or arguing incessantly about their intrinsic and quantifiable superiourity.

In fact, you can head up to the Iron Range, insult a Finn, and simply get into a good, old fashioned barfight without any of them establishing entrenched positions around the bar, capturing enemy pickup trucks for use against their original owners, or attempting to hold out valiantly against the Sheriff's department deputies until the sovereignty of the bar is acknowledged, and allowed to continue to exist as a client state because heightened tensions between Minnesota and Wisconsin don't permit despatching the National Guard to take control.

Goodness, how I've wandered. Back to the Peng Challenge Thread for me, with apologies, to write up an expose on the Winter War.

[ February 13, 2002, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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I think it is time to lock this one up. Seems we are going down the same, tired road where Tero is arguing just to argue. Either that or he is indeed a nationalist/racist and everybody who objects to his presumptions is daffy. One or the other. Personally, I think it is the former as it appears Tero just likes to argue long after the horse has been killed, chopped up into little bits, and fed to the crows and vultures. smile.gif


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