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AAR: Myself vs. Loupblanc (HUGE pictures!)

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'Tis a little After Action Report of a nice Saturday TCP/IP game! Random map, setting is town, January 1945, day, 1000 points, auto pick units, meeting engagement.


Your local SS Obergruppenführer advancing on this little town, seeking to kick some ass


One turn later the SS Obergruppenführer learns a valuable lesson in urban warfare :D


As both the Germans and the Americans advance on the town, a clash is inevitable, but the Wehrmacht manages to secure their objective, which is the big building to the left

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Main square of the town, to the left several squads of SS troops, to the right, one American tank crew which routed some of my squads so I was unable to progress ;)


This is the objective building and a massive human wave attack that could have ended in disaster ...


...save for the appearance of a half-track tongue.gif


And this is the end result: victory for me!

:D Anyway, this was sooo much fun. Especially when I realised that Loupblanc and me use frighteningly similar tactics. We started very very close to the town so we already had a knocked out tank destroyer on turn one. And yes, a measly little tank crew held up some 4 squads of elite SS squads, lol. I also realised how valuable a sniper is, as one of mine took out an entire Battalion HQ (I think it was battalion). One advice to all CMBO players: listen to some military marches while playing, the atmosphere created is amazing!

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