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Market Garden area roads

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I am, for the second time, attempting to generate a map for Operation Market Garden.

I am working from the Allied strategic map, but it doesn't show which roads were paved, which ones were not.

Is it safe to assume that the obviously main roads, including the roads that follow the railroad track, were paved, but that all the other roads that criss-cross the map are just dirt roads?

I wish I had been there, I wouldn't have so many things to worry about now while trying to draw that map.


P.S. BTS, please please please let us draw things that are not just at 90 and 45 degree angles when designing scenarios... but I know that can quickly turn into a coding nightmare. biggrin.gif

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If you can get your hands on the V for Victory bundle, it comes with a good Market Garden scenario, featuring a 1 KM/ hex map of the entire area of operations. Damn fun game besides that. And you get three other games. Two of which are also good for scenario inspiration (Gold, Juno Sword and Utah Beach).



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Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salutamus.

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"V for Victory bundle" -- is that a set of CM operations posted somewhere, or is this for another game?

BTW I am slowly clueing in, I noticed that some roads on my map are drawn with solid lines, others not. I will assume that those with dotted lines are dirt roads.

Altitude is another matter, usually on military maps each line represents 5 feet altitude change, is that correct? (can you tell I have never been in the military?)


[This message has been edited by patboivin (edited 12-12-2000).]

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V for Victory is another series of games. Operational Wargames, very good. It uses the same symbology you are speaking of, and dashed lines do represent dirt roads.



Before battle, my digital soldiers turn to me and say,

Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salutamus.

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Patboivin, being a passionate scneario designer and also actually offering topo maps from NW Europe (shameless plug: www.gamesofwar.de), I've spent some time over this topic.

I guess it's safe to say that most of the roads in 44-45 in NW Europe are NOT paved. Since there was no asphalt available at that time, it took much longer to actually pave a road using gravel and stones. As far as I know, besides city roads, only main roads were paved, and there were only a handful of these across NW France and Holland and Germany.

Germany also had the only exception to this rule - the Autobahn, which had concrete 4x4 meter blocks already then.

When looking at maps, you should be safe to assume that dotted lines are really only dirt tracks (not even worht to be represented as dirt roads in CM), while the thicker lines are actually dirt roads (sometimes reinforced with gravel and stone, though). A paved cross country road would be recognizible by having a "name", like N17 or something, i.e. national route.

Hope it helps.



"An hour has 60 minutes, each minute in action has a thousand dangers."

- Karl-Heinz Gauch, CO 1st Panzerspähkompanie, 12th SS Panzerdivision

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Thank you Martin.

The fellow in Oosterbeek who scanned the maps for me sent me an e-mail telling me that each square on his map was 1 square km -- that's 50 CM map designer squares by fifty!

Now the question is... how many squares can I place on an Operation map?

My map goes from the landing fields right to the bridge. That would be a 15km long stretch, or 750 squares. Can I put that in an operation? By about 8-10 km wide?

Good grief I'll be ready to retire by the time I'm finished, and we'll be at CM 23.


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