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ski troops losing skis

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After doing some experimenting, I'm trying to figure out how to use ski troops given the fact that they seem to give up their skis under fire. Does anyone have a link or a reference in the manual that details exactly when ski troops lose their skis? (I saw in the 1.1 patch that going into buildings will cause ski loss.)

I've tried move and fast move, but my troops inevitably take fire in the middle of a snowy field and have no movement options that don't leave them exhausted. How do you make advances at all on deep snow maps for normal troops or ski troops who decide they don't want to ski anymore?


Dr. Rosenrosen

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A good question, and one I don't have a full answer for.

From what I've seen, though, ski troops can either ski or fight, start fighting (by your command, or because of incoming fire), they lose the ability to ski for the rest of the fight.

As such, skiis seem to be mostly useful because they give you much more freedom (and speed) of movement BEFORE contact has been made. Once the bullets start flying, the skiis disappear very quickly.

Considering how hard it is to move normal troops in deep snow, this is actually a considerable advantage if used properly. On a map deep snow map without a significant road network, it's virtually impossible to use a mobile infantry reserve if you don't have ski troops - you're pretty much stuck fighting where you are.

As for long advances in deep snow, I don't think you should expect too much - if you read accounts of the winter fighting, and significant gains of ground through deep snow were the exception.



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