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One Last Push-Can Attack vs. Heer Defend

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Over the past two weeks I've been creating and playing and tweaking a Scenario called 'One Last Push' set in the dying days of WWII(April 1945). As the Allies (Canadians) you must assault a German-held Ridge (Fixed Defenses) and then fight your way down the reverse slope of the hill against counter-attacks and so on, and with your remaining forces (+reinforcements) assault a small hill and town (Fixed Defenses) Also at the other end of that town, there's a bridge which you must take, and then it's up to you to create a bridgehead on the opposite bank(opposite the town)and defend against any German counter-attacks.

As the Germans-You get to defend all of this!

This Scenario, is very difficult, I even found challenging as playing the AI (I was playing as the Canadians) This is also very big, Huge and as a matter of fact, the map isn't that huge, but forces wise(Infantry with Armor elements plus assets=both sides), it is immense. (***Slower systems may take a hit with all the processing and so on!!!)

Note: Their are no breifings as of yet, but whoever you choose to play(Heer or Can.), I'll prepare a lil' word for you on your forces and your mission at hand and intelligence reports etc,... because I don't want to 'spoil' the scenario by giving too much away here.

Please keep in mind this is in it's beta version, this scenario, so I'm very open to suggestions and critism and so on, please, everything is welcome!

Please leave a note here if you'd like me to E-mail you the scenario.

Many Thanks,


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Alright, I'm just putting the finishing touches on it right now and I'll be sending it off withing the next 12-18 hrs,...Does that sound good for everyone?

Just wondering what everyone wanted to play(Axis/Allies???) so I can type up something for you in the e-mail. Would any of you want to play it as a PBEM(you may need to find an opponent,) because upon further investigation, I feel that the AI would not be able to handle the attacking forces quite well, and after the reshifting of forces and such, I feel that the AI wouldn't be able to handle the defending forces well enough either. Therefor this causes a small problem you see.

Please get back to me on this one if it is or I not feasible for you all.

Again thank you for your replies.

Keep em' comin!


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