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Playtesters need for first scenario..

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Haven't done the write up for the scenario yet (mainly because it needs to be playtested), but its basically meant to be a "tough" take the bridge scenario. If anyone wants to take a shot at it it'd be much appreciated. Just email me at jaldaen@aol.com and I'll forward it to you... again thanks.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jaldaen:

Haven't done the write up for the scenario yet (mainly because it needs to be playtested), but its basically meant to be a "tough" take the bridge scenario. If anyone wants to take a shot at it it'd be much appreciated. Just email me at jaldaen@aol.com and I'll forward it to you... again thanks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

hey, I emailed you, but it bounced. Anyhow I'll happily playtest. you can email me at the address here: tnelan@greyinteractive.com

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Version 0.2b is now ready:

The scenario takes place in June 44, dawn/dusk, overcast, damp; 26 turns; Allied attack; Static Flags: 2 Small, 1 Large; US Airborne Platoon races to take a bridge before the Germans can reinforce it? I don't have briefing done for the scenario, b/c I want to work out all the details before I do? My main concerns are: 1) playability- Is it a difficult, but not too difficult scenario (My three friends have both played it to a draw or loss, but they haven't played CM that much- just getting them into it), 2) its historical accuracy, particularly the composition of the forces (this being set in the early days after D-Day) for both sides, 3) the map, does it look realistic are there any flaws in it.

[ 06-19-2001: Message edited by: Jaldaen ]

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Recieved this from Grunto IV thought people might enjoy it ;) Warning!!! Long and with Spoilers (although I've changed a few things since he played ;)!!!


no briefings... scenario must still be under development...

took americans with default computer setup, computer experience set to +3.

small board... nice looking. i might use a small building next to the

wheatfields... other than that, nice board.

i like the cover to the left, on my side of the river... will move up

through that, toward the chapel.

have set up units mostly in default, having moved them forward in the woods.

the plan is to move the mortar up to the edge of the scattered trees, and to

move the rest of the platoon as quickly as possible toward the bridge. the

machineguns will hole up in one of the 2nd level buildings along the way,

then provide supporting fire for the squads and the platoon hq as they go


turn 1:

platoon and hq are moving to near wheatfield... fast. mgs are moving to

heavy building... 2nd floor next to wheatfield. 60mm mortar providing

overwatch... no contact... squads are about halfway to destination.

turn 2: continuing... squads have actually reached 2nd wheatfield... they

are tired... mgs still moving to building. bazooka moving up behind.

mortar still way back, providing overwatch. will move up mortar to rear

wheatfield now...

tempted to take tressel ford, but instead will move up through scattered

trees when time is right.

turn 3: moving 60mm up from rear. extended baz movements to go to forward


60mm moving up... baz almost in position. mgs in building but not on 2nd


turn 4: waiting for 60mm and mgs to get into position. moving squads up to

edge of forward wheatfield.

made contact... mg42 dueled with 3 m1919s and some paratrooper fire. mg42

apparently suppressed... broken?... more infantry sounds on the

right/center, toward the intersection in town center.

turn 5: going to sit and see what else pops up... don't want to be caught in

the open with infantry squads... 60mm .... knocked out during previous

turn... arrgh!! baz moving up to edge of forward wheatfield.

m1919s duelling with 'crew' in building by intersection.... ammo

considerations coming into play... airborne mgs have a low load to begin


turn 6: squads, hq, and baz running into scattered trees approaching


m1919s will cover...

one squad never moved... shaken and down to 8-2. other two squads and baz

'made it.'

turn 7: will attempt to move 3rd squad up, and will move infantry in trees,

further into trees (sneak)

... german 'mg' still active... dicey

lagging squad made it across... down to 7-3... other two squads and hq

undamaged... advancing deeper into the trees.

turn 8: reinforcements....british airborne platoon... i would have used

another american platoon, but different strokes...

moving 50mm mortar and vickers to edge of scattered trees outside town...

will provide further overwatch support.

moving rest of platoon (3 squad, piat, hq) 'fast' to far wheatfield. hq on

15-second delay.

puma appears in field between m1919s and scattered trees... will move baz

back to near edge of trees to try and engage puma. all other units will

continue as they are.

turn 9:

puma moved away from approaching baz... rats... will try to close with piat

from wheatfield... once the piat arrives. mortar and vickers almost in

position on edge of trees overlooking town. m1919s in building continue to

fire... forward platoon will wait for british platoon, who will themselves

rest in the wheatfield for a turn or three...

turn 10-11:

piat weary and lagging behind... still intact though. vickers and mortar

contributing overwatch from trees near road. forward platoon still

waiting.. british platoon resting in forward wheatfield.

puma near town center... taken under fire from 150+ meters by baz... not

good. baz down to 1 man, 2c rounds left. 50mm mortar takes puma under

fire. british platoon ready to run to trees... piat lags behind and is

weary. i guess piats are heavy sons of guns..

turn 12:

baz crawling back into woods... vickers moving up a bit to get shot at

puma... m1919s in building running low on ammo (15-15-9). piat moving to

edge of wheatfield closest to town center in order to try and get good shot

at puma. british platoon running into trees.

piat scored penetration - but didn't eliminate - puma at 186 meters... puma

then took out piat.

british infantry moving forward

baz wasted another long-range shot.

turn 13: puma approaching mortar and vickers... mortar shaken...

british platoon now in trees.

turn 14: british platoon will get up to position in line with american

platoon, and the two will then advance on the cathedral.

50mm mortar is down to 4 he rounds... don't know if it will fire at puma...

seems to be in correct range (not too close).

mortar knocked out by puma... vickers panicked (now 4-2)... british platoon

moving up to even with americans in trees... baz has 1c left, and has

crawled back into trees. 3 m1919s still in overwatch.

turn 15:

british and american platoon will wait until british are no longer tired,

then storm the cathedral

vickers routed (2-4)

turn 16:

platoons waiting one more turn.

turn 17: platoons are going to bypass cathedral and advance through

trees/woods on left, closest to the river. the goal is the large flag in

the building next to the bridge...

no contact near bridge... using standard move orders to avoid getting tired.

turn 18: continuing flanking movement past cathedral...

lost another squad member in u.s. platoon; lost 2 members of british hq...

something opened up from top of cathedral...

u.s. platoon hq was dangerously ahead of squads... should have used 'delay'

so as to keep them behind the rest of the units... still, that particular

unit remains 4-0 so no harm done (so far).

turn 19:

3 m1919s in overwatch opening up on 'crew' in upper cathedral. infantry

platoons continuing movement.

fire from m1919s forced 'crew' into lower level of cathedral... infantry

moved up without incident.

'light armor' sound on other side of bridge.

the baz still has 1c and is with the platoons... will try to locate and kill


turn 20:

u.s. platoon will sneak to edge of trees and occupy treeline. british

platoon will move up to just behind them. then, after that the british

platoon will storm the 2nd level building with large flag by the bridge.

move went without incident.

turn 21: continuing move... next turn will charge building with british

platoon, having u.s. platoon in overwatch.

light tank appeared from across river and baz wasted last round on it.

appears to be a pzII because of the 20mm sound it is making. infantry

appeared in wodds across road and in large building.

turn 22: british charging this turn.

british platoon hq (2-2) will hang back in trees because its command radius

should extend into building from there. american platoon will engage the

squads - 1 in the building and 1 across the road - from overwatch positions

on treeline.

two german squads eliminated in charge. 3 british squads 'made' it into


if this battle were to continue, the allies might be in a bad way with that

'luchs' sitting across the river.

turn 23: will attempt to charge across bridge with american platoon, and

kill the tank with gammon bombs.

squads mainly broken after crossing bridge. one squad with 3 rifle grenades

is 'pinned' within about 50 meters of 'luchs.' platoon hq crawling back

into treeline.

turn 24: go!

pinned squad broken... other broken squads retreated... apparent 'pz iv?'

showed up, 'down river' and hit the troops on the bridge pretty hard.

turn 25: go!

u.s. squads back in woods on 'our' side of river; they're down to 3-7, 5-5,

1-9 and are all broken. platoon hq is 3-1 but on other side of road, behind

large building with flag. british continue to hold in building, and their

hq is back in the treeline with the u.s. hq. there must be 4 german

vehicles active on the map at this point.

turn 26: go!

score is 52-48

14 german casualties (4 kia)

44 allied (10 kia)

2 mortars destroyed

score 52:48 in my favor -- draw

wrap-up: i don't know if i got 'lucky,' completing skirting the heart of

the german defense in grabbing that building. controlling that flag must

have contributed to the 'draw.' it was probably unwise to have tried

sending the american platoon across the bridge, but i was thinking, 'what if

this scenario weren't going to end after turn 26? that pz ii ('luchs') would

chew the allied platoons up. with that in mind, i thought i was obligated

to try and take the thing out. if i'd know there were another tank in sight

of the bridge, i probably wouldn't have attempted that move. i thought it

was three squads against the lone panzer ii.

it appears there were a regular german platoon, 2 sharpshooters, and 2

lmg42, then the puma, the pz iv, and the pz ii. the german casualties were

an understrength ss motorized platoon... a squad and its hq... 14


oh.. there was a mine belt which my advancing infantry narrowly avoided...

nice placement there.... actually, i might have taken a casualty or two from

those mines... my movement path was pretty close - if not directly

over -those belts. i'd assumed at the time - perhaps wrongly - that the

casualties sustained were from the lmgs/sharpshooters.

i probably could have avoided about 20 casualties by not having attempted

the bridge crossing.

for a first-time scenario, i think this is a good one. now what i'm about

to mention is all a matter of personal taste; i would have made the allied

force all-american or all-british. the puma and the pz ii are fairly rare

vehicles. i might have put in another pz iv instead.

now if this is trying to be a 'mini-arnhem' then it does a pretty good job

of that... there were pumas - and i believe pz ii tanks - at arnhem.

all the nitpicking about unit selection aside, this is a good, challenging

scenario with a pretty darned good map. not bad for a first-time effort.

(feel free to post this in the forum if you like).

hope this helps...



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Hey Murph,

I clicked on your profile and it didn't give an email addy, I also clicked on the email button and it said your email addy was not available or being blocked... If you want you can just email me your addy or post it here, thanks for your interest

[ 06-20-2001: Message edited by: Jaldaen ]

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I played this scenario and had lots of fun.

I moved the US troops down the left flank in the woods on the map edge, crossed by the ford and ran into the woods.

The British, who took me by surprise when the appeared, I used as a noisy distracting force on the extreme right flank, shooting up buildings, yelling and causing trouble.

The armored car was utterly taken in by this as were many of the credulous German defenders.

Meanwhile, the US troops advanced to the church, took it and moved 2 MGs into the top floor, and then attacked into the building by the VL. The approaching Lynx fell to the zook in two shots and the crew was viciously machinegunned. Nyahaha.

Allied Minor, cause the Bridge VL was a ?, as there was a shaken 3 man German squad near it, with my untouched paratroop squad in

the building. One more turn, though and it would have been toasty toasty toast.

It wasn't as easy as I made it sound - the vickers and the 60mm mortar were lost cause they were caught in the open by german mgs, and the 2 inch mortar was routed by fire from the armored car, which ambled about in the middle of the map, looking a bit confused.

Most of the German forces were still intact cause I evaded them rather than take them on with one lonely little platoon, even if it had 3 mgs with it.

Anyway, twas a fun little scenario, and had I tried to move through the buildings on my way to the objectives, I probably would have gotten cut to pieces.

The only change I would make, if you wanted this to happen would be to take away the tree cover all the way to the objective to make the route through the town more attractive.

Because until I arrived at the bridge area, there was no fire from anyone in front of me.

Just from teh sides, which after I was deep in the trees, tapered off.

good scenario.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jaldaen:

Hey Terence,

Thanks for the feedback ;) Sounds like your playing version 0.1, you can pick up version 0.2 from this site: http://www.geocities.com/scenario_archive/playtest.html

Look for the Beyond Bolero scenario, it should address your not running into anything until the bridge (as well as a few other things ;)

If you play it let me know here ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have downloaded the new scenario. My wife is going away this weekend, so I should have ample time to play it.

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AAR: Allied major victory 73 to 27. I had 31 casualties to his 33, and we each lost a vehicle (me a jeep, he a tank). I had 71 men ok and he had 31, I held the Major vf at the bridge, as well as the minor one at the church. He held a minor flag at the town, which I ignored completely as it was too far away and didn't seem connected to the objective, given that I only had 2 platoons. It's a good thing I evaded the town altogether, becuse there was 2 squads, a flamethrower and a halftrack sitting around and waiting for me to drop by.

Overall I playted the scenario with caution, using covering fire, smoke and overwatch to advance in as smooth a fashion as possible. I was patient enough to wait for my supporting MGs, and the enemy at the flags never had a chance against my superior number and flanking fire. In my opinion, there wasn't enough "action" given the size of the map. Too much walking for too little fighting. Although it does seem realistic in its small scale. Nevertheless, to do all that marching in order to meet and quickly rout 2 squads and a tank with little change (road surrounded by woods) does seem a little anti climactic. Also, I kept expecting to have to "hold" the bridge, but it became obvious that there wasn't going to be a counterattach. It would have been cool if the troops in the village had charged my positions, or come to the aid of their buddies a little earlier. Either way, I arrived in good enough shape so I think I would have taken them. If I was the germans, I would have wiped out half the Amis in their charge accross the open fields at the beginning. That's when I was at my most vulnerable, and it was not made hard enough for me to get to the safety of the woods (from a defenders perspective).

I enjoyed playing it and writing about it. Sorry if the turn by turn account seems to cold. In a sense, it reflects the way the engagement went, the anticipation was more exciting than the action once you got down to it. Had I known the defending forces were that small, I might have been more reckless and "faster" to make my way accross. Keep up the good work, and please send me the file once you put the "finished" stamp on it. Hope this was of help!



Set up. Set up the platoon in the woods, directly east of the double wheat


Turn 1, snuck up the MGs and HQ unit to the edge of the woods, in order to

take a peek. Nothing there, so time to run accross the open

Turns 2-6 Leapfrogged to the wheat fields and set up at the westernmost

hedge, ready to make the run accross the open fields to the woods. As I was

going accross, something routed my Mortar team and caused 1 casualty, but I

don't know what it was (I didn't catch it the first time) and I only

realized I had pressed GO. Still no sight of the enemy. How am I supposed to

go for the small flag in the town? Only one measly platoon, going to make a

run for the bridge and figure that out later.

Turns 6-8 Took my time waiting for the MGs to catch up and set them up in

the hedge, to provide cover fire as I run accross the clearing, should

anything hit the fan

Start of turn 8, I get reinforcements. One measly platoon, but at least I

get a .50 cal AND a jeep to transport it, cause god knows those bastards are

slow. Now if I can only live enough to set up in a nice spot, I'll be a

happy camper. My 60mm who was routed before is now back to (!), and I'm

going to try and make him catch up the best he can.

Turn 8. One squad goes for it, no problem, but 2 machine guns (crews?) open

of from some house in the north side of the map. I'm going to take my second

platoon and head for the bridge., although now I might chancge my mind and

make a detour to take out those maching gun crews. My poor 60mm got caught

in the open again and got routed again...oh well.

Turn 9, rush the rest of my advanced platoon forward, from the hedge to the beginning of the woods (light trees). The reserve platoon is still in the easternmost clump of trees and I'm going to drop some smoke from my 60mm to make sure they don't get caught out in the open by whatever is hiding out in those two houses. The 50 cal is being set up for overwatch

Turn 10, the smoke worked out just as I had hoped. I mad 2.3 of the platoon accross the clearing without a scratch, got them to the big house by the road. In the meantime, my 50 cal opened up on them to remind them I'm still here. My most advanced platoon is making its way through the woods towards the main flag, although without the MGs, which are lagging behind

Turn 11 continued with the same. My fron platoon going through the woods "up top", ny other platoon as reached and is crossing the road in the middle of the map. The 50 cal is layinf some lead to the two crews, so that makes me happy.

Turn 12, on of my squads crossing the road in the middle of the map ran into a mine field and took 2 casualties. Will now head towards the big flag in support of the other platoon. Contact! on the other side. I think at least 1 squad is in the church, and one in the woods below. I'm going to trade fire but not get too crazy until I get the MGs up to support me. Pretty soon, I'll try to move out the 50 cal and bring him forward on the jeep.

Turn 13, great, my support platoon made it through the clearing and onto the woods with no problem. I will now try curling around the church from the north, catching the platoon/s of germans from two sides at once. The machine gunners in the two houses have gone quiet.

Turn 14 So far I'm being vrey cautious and things are going well. I've got three squads plus 1 mg firing at a single squad in the church. Sooner or later I'll wear them down. I'm curling around with the other platoon, but more slowly because my men are tired. Of course, my jeep pulled the old "leave without waiting for the passenger to embark" move, so I'm sending him back...

Turn 15 The fool, one of his squads (SS motorized infantry squad) came into the woods between my two platoons and quickly took 4 casualties, not he's running back into the church, where the other lone squad has taken some losses. One more turn and I'm going to rush the church with a whole platoon...

Turn 16, ok, creeping up. One more turn...

Turn 17, OK, they've softened up enough, time to rush the church. I hear some armour around the corner, so better bring my zooks along...

Turn 18, ok rushed the church and quickly wiped out the 2 half squads that were left. Also took care of an MG on the outer fringes. The tank showed up, a PzIVG, and instantly wiped out my bazooka. I have one left, and hit him but no damage. I'm going to flank him on his raight, as it appears he's buttoned up and pretty blind.

Turn 19, well the tank backed the hell out in a hurry, and even though I hit him 3 times with my zook, no stopping him What is the zook guy shooting at him? Time to move from the church and go towards the buidling by the bridge

Turn 20 OK then! I trapped the tank near the bridge and finally took him out with a shot to the side. There's a squad in the big buidling and I expect to make short work of it with my two reamining platoons (the first of which is probably at half strength).

Turn 21 The crew of the tank was wiped out, which I always find quite pleasant. I've got one platoon on each side of the building and I'm getting ready to charge the building on the left side while my strong right platoon provides cover fire. I feel sorry for the squad inside. I don't predict they'll make it through the turn...

Turn 22 Alas, it was the platoon HQ not even a squad! A nice satchel charge from the charging troops and they were history. I now hold the flags on the church and by the bridge, and will just wait it out here, setting up the best defense I can in order to hold against any counterattack. I assume there should be another squad hiding somewhere around, so I'l lbe cautious.

Turn 23 No news. I think this battle is pretty much over

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After having read the two AARs posted before me (I avoided doing this before so as to not spoil the fun), it seems that I got an easier ride...

I only had to deal with one enemy tank. And I didn't have British reinforcements, they were all American.

Well, I'll take an easier fight any day! :D


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Murph:

After having read the two AARs posted before me (I avoided doing this before so as to not spoil the fun), it seems that I got an easier ride...

I only had to deal with one enemy tank. And I didn't have British reinforcements, they were all American.

Well, I'll take an easier fight any day! :D


Hey Murph give us the details ;)

I'd especailly like to see how the new version plays from another perspective

Thanks for testing it out,


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