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Does anyone know if it is possible to disembark a unit while the transport still continues its list of waypoints? According to the manual, it should work, but up to now I never managed to make that happen. If the transport still had waypoints to visit, no unit disembarked, no matter how long I paused the transport. Only if the transport recieved new waypoints at a beginning of a turn and was paused then, the passengers disembarked. Did I do it wrong (if so, in which way?)? Does it depend on either the transport´s or the passenger´s or both experience?

Is there any way to make a unit pause at a certain waypoint and let it continue its list of waypoints then, instead of pausing only at the beginning of a turn?

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It is possible, but can be hard to manage. If the transport is moving faster than "Move" (i.e., "Hunt" or "Fast") the passengers aren't likely to disembark. I find it helps to try to disembark at a turn (waypoint), also, because the vehicle tends to slow down/stop momentarily at these points.

If experience matters, I would think it would be that of the passengers. Low experience troops might still be fighting their command delay when time comes to disembark, and they could miss their opportunity.

The only way to pause at a waypoint not at the start of a turn is to have the next waypoint be the first in a new set of orders (the first "white" waypoint after a series of "red" ones). For example, on turn 1 you issue 3 waypoints. At the end of turn 1, the vehicle is still following this path. You issue orders for 2 additional waypoints. When the vehicle reaches the original 3rd waypoint, it will pause for its command delay before continuing on.

I think it helps to issue your disembark order for a point RIGHT NEXT to the point at which the vehicle is stopped/moving slowly. You can issue more movement orders for the passengers after disembarking to go wherever you want, but if the first (disembark) waypoint is too far from the vehicle, I believe it significantly lowers the chance your passengers will disembark while the vehicle is moving.

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Thanks, placing the disembarkment point near a waypoint seems to do the trick. When I tried this out (with regs and vets, both transport and passengers), it never mattered at which speed the transport moved, it just stopped at the waypoint where the passengers should disembark, let them get off and continued on its way. The only differce between reg and vet passengers was the longer command break of the regs. So if the transport passed the passengers´ dropping point before the passengers could comply their oders, they stayed on their transport.

[ June 19, 2002, 04:55 PM: Message edited by: Brightblade ]

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