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Just in Time for the Weekend

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Well, you're ready for the weekend. And if you haven't grown weary of CM (highly doubtful! - wink.gif), I've put up my first operation since the CD for public consumption.

Since this is a destroy operation, you should not be bothered with premature endings...unless you get your butt creamed.

Pretty good fight. Thanks to the testers who worked hard on this one. Bill Valencia was a big help.

You can find it now at CMHQ - Scenario Depot.


If you haven't grabbed "A Second Job" and "Relieving the Rangers" and want some good hard fights, put them in your CM shopping cart too.

I'll meet you at the cash register biggrin.gif

Here is a little historical background for you.


Title: Herrilsheim - Cut Off!

Type: Destroy Type Operation

Date: Jan 17-18, 1945

Location: east of Herrilsheim, Germany

Weather: Overcast

Terrain: Light Snow

Author: Wild Bill Wilder

Wild Bill's Raiders


Designer Notes: You can read the Scenario Description with no fear of the scenario being spoiled for you. It is simply a background on the battle being simulated in this operation.

Scenario Description:

The second phase of Germany's strong counterattack against the Allies in the winter of 44-45 began on January 1st, 1945. With the Seventh Army stretched to the limit in the southern end of the line, Hitler's forces crossed the Rhine and threatened both flanks of the American VI Corps.

It would be the task of the 12th Armored Division, newly arrived in Europe to breach the salient and drive the Germans back. The fighting centered just west of the Rhine River around the town of Herrilsheim.

On January 17th, units of Combat Commands A and B moved into and through the town. The 43rd Tank Battalion took the lead and moved east of Herrilsheim towards the great river. Reports from its commander, Colonel Dovosel, indicated heavy fighting. Then all contact was lost.

The next day, the 23rd Tank Battalion with armored infantry crossed the Landgraben River and braved the fire of the Steinwald, a wooded area to the south in an attempt to get through Herrilsheim and find what might be left of the 43rd. The only evidence of the American tank battalion were a series of burned out hulks from both sides. About 10 American Shermans were drawn up in a circle, in a last stand sort of stance.

Later Colonel Dovosel and some of his men were discovered to be prisoners of war. They had made a last ditch stand against advancing German panzers till all hope was lost. Repeatedly wounded and with no tank with which to fight, Dovosel and what remained of his battalion were forced to surrender.


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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Great OP WBW! I Really had fun as the Germans. I thought I was in for a rough fight after the first battle. Gotta love those reinforcements. Just like the battle description there were a lot of burnt hulks scattered about.

Rob W

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Wow, DD! You did it to 'em? You must have taken the German side! I won't spoil it, but it sounds like you made the best of it.

No problem with big gaps between forces? Starting lines work okay for you? Thanks for the update! I appreciate it very much!


Wild Bill

Lead Tester

Scenario Design Team

Combat Mission-Beyond Overlord


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No Spoilers here.

I played it and enjoyed it immensely, Bill. I played Amis (glorious last stands my specialty). Luck of the dice went against me right from the get-go with some bad shootin' from me and some good shootin' from them, but after that I gave 'em hell and took a boatload of 'em with me. I surrendered to the A/I when my last vehicle with a gun detonated in battle 3. The night fighting in battle 2 was especially wild.

The Germans encountered were a pleasing mix of infantry and armour assets. All in all a well-designed op.

Advice for first-timers: Defence in depth!


It's a mother-beautiful bridge and it's gonna be THERE.

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