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This is a projection of a CMBB AAR based on my past performance with CMBO. I am sure it will help answer many questions regarding the new game.



Elements of Infanterieregiment (motoriziert) „Großdeutschland”, fielded by yours truly, have been ordered to hold a vital piece of ground in the Tula region at Christmas time 1941. This AAR is an amalgam of several replayings of the same scenario against several famous and infamous opponents (whose comments to me via email are in bold).

GD - one depleted motorized infantry company with anti-tank guns and tank support.

Soviet forces - unknown

Game size - small, winter conditions

Game length - variable, 25 turns +/- (as per the new variable game length feature in CMBB)


Shown above are at start positions. The scenario briefing suggests enemy armour may attack in force.


As usual Germanboy's scenario briefing was delightfully detailed. In fact, so detailed that I skipped the last three pages of the comprehensive and well illustrated 32 page pdf document (another wonderful feature of CMBB that will tickle CM players yound and old), and didn't notice the part about this scenario having a preplotted turn 1 bombardment. (Cool features abound in CMBB) No matter, my troops were well dug in, though the shock effect of 200mm+ artillery has some ears ringing. Did the Scenario Depot really say this one was "well balanced"?


ASL Veteran: "Is there any reason you set fire to those buildings before Turn 1??"

Me: "I had to kill SOMETHING...

No sign of enemy units yet. My men hunker down in their foxholes.


"Old Fritz" targets a sound contact and despite the plethora of new covered arc, ambush, and assorted other commands...all of which I have neglected to apply....he opens fire at long range with his puny 4.7cm cannon. He is instantly turned into apfelstrudel....


JasonC: You have a 12% better chance of insuring a first-shot kill if you set your anti-armor ambush range to 350 metres rather than 375; statistically, your chances improve by an average of 3% per 50 metre decrease after that, except when Wind Conditions are Gale or better, in which case performance remains constant - as you know from reading my post on the BTS forum about this obvious glitch.

Me: "Wind?"

JasonC: "Page 322 of the CMBB Manual...I'm sorry, I thought you would have read it. Incidentally, FWIW, the table on page 324 re: wind velocity seems not to match actual tests I've done; I suspect it was based on a beta version of the game and never got corrected for the final release.

Me: "Wind! Cool!


Supreme Fog of War rules are turned on; I find an entire battalion of Russian Ski Troops has closed to within 75 metres of my forward outposts undetected. The situation gets confused. My troops, obviously rattled, begin mis-identifying enemy armour and start firing into their own positions. Maximillian Schell and James Mason start screaming through my speakers (Thanks, Tom):

00333015.wav: "I'm attacking! I'm defending! I'm counterattacking!

00333022.wav: "You are not alone!"

00333269.wav: "I am alone! I am alone!"


I decide to take Captain Stransky's advice; a patented Terence-Style Glorious Counter-attack©

We find out how painfully well modelled MGs in CM really are.

Gustav109: "You'd probably do better if you kept your platoon headquarters slightly behind your attacking squads, instead of 200 metres ahead of them. There's a new attack formation command...check pp. 411-413 of the manual...

Me: "Manual?"

Gustav109: "There are charts in Appendix 12 regarding interlocking fields of fire; you probably forgot to order your MGs to Crossfire rather than Final Protective Fire. It's a common mistake, I even almost did it myself once.



Things do not look good to my front; a raft of sound contacts has me thinking perhaps the scenario briefing - the parts I read - were correct after all.

The improved sound files are very immersive, I can hear my troops chatting it up - no doubt to strike fear into the Reds.

Me: "I wonder what "bitte, bitte" means?

Mannheim Tanker: "I think it means you're winning (snicker)"


Global morale collapses. I get an autosurrender. I still have not identified a single enemy unit, and because of my poor faring, the computer will not let me see the map after the game is over. Something about "not deserving it."


I pour my bitterness into a long twisted review at the Scenario Depot, and then, as a final blow to my own global morale, forget to sign a phoney name to it.

On the upside, however, SuperTed invites me to play in his Galaxy of Losers tourney, and I agree...on the sole condition that for every match, I get to play the Russians in TIPTOE THROUGH THE TULA.

He doesn't dare argue.

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lol.. you should be on stage! too bad they don't have comedy clubs for wargamers. but hey, at least i won't be alone in that galaxy of losers tourney. just curious though. is the object to win or lose in those tournaments?

and don't you just hate those guys that can quote manuals verbatum? manuals!? we don't need no stinkin' manuals! lol

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