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Variety in AI's force experience selection

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I played two QBs against the AI, with identical parameters, except that I switched sides.

Parameters: December 41, Finland, Soviet Mechanized attacking Finnish Infantry (Ski); heavy woods, modest hills, extreme cold, strong winds, damp (no SNOW!--AI's choice originally and I kept the same for the second game).

Experience was unrestricted; I chose my own, and AI chose its. In the first game, as the Soviets the AI picked Crack and Elite troops, which, due to poor leadership, got slaughtered. In the second game, as the Finns on defense, the AI chose Green/Regular troops?!?! Again, a slaughter, though things could well have gone differently had the AI chosen more experienced units.

Is the AI's selection entirely random when unrestricted, or does it depend on year, nationality, etc.?

Any thoughts?

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