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I need a good camo-Panther VA

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The one that comes with BO is too bright compared to my other tanks. I didn't find what I'm looking for on cmoutpost.com since all the links are broken except those leading to Combat Mission HQ and I cant find the Panther VA I need there either.



This one is supposed to be on CMHQ, but I cant find it:


This one is from Der Kessel, a death site.


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I have been collecting EVERY mod for CMBO I can find. I am redoing CMMOS for CMBO and am nearly done.

Of the PzKwVAs I have Fernando/GEM's hasty, Dresselers zimmerite coated, and Hugo Goscinak's beautiful mod.

The last is the bottom picture you posted. I do not have and cannot find the middle picture. If you do let me know and email it to me at



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Cheers Mike,

I appreciate what you are doing, CMBB maybe 'flavour of the month' which is why I got it, and most probably introduced a whole lot of new people to this genre. As for me it has made me aware of CMBO, [thou one or two sites have shutdown] which I find is just as good, with a sound game engine and when completely modded, another fantastic sim. Waiting for CMAK to complete the trilogy

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Originally posted by MikeT:

Hell, you can download his mod at:



Jeez...some dark forces don't want me to get that tank texture! Now its seems like I can't download anything from Combat Mission HQ. Everything was fine 2 days ago and now the donwload windows won't open and the file never transfer. :confused:
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I believe the middle Panther picture is Fernanado's early Tri color Panther VA mod.

I have it with all the options. Let me know if you want me to send it to you and in what format. I have it in CMMOS form but it's not in the new format.

Also, let me know if there are any others you feel you want but are missing, I'm hording quite a few CMBO mods. :D

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I CMMOSed, ized??, Fernando's last night in the new format.

So far I got over 300 mods if memory serves done. Got 1 major mod left then I got to fix some screwups.

I will take you up on your offer of saved mods. I had many myself saddly several I have no idea who did them!! :confused:

Let me finished Bergmans UK/CW Wolverine/Achilles mods and I will create a list of what I have done and we can compare notes.

Email me your home email



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