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casualties in operations

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I tried a search on this and there are related posts, but none that quite answer my question:

How are casualties determined in operations?

I'm playing a 6 battle op (actually just finished) and have played 3 night and three day battles. When I get the report at the end, of each battle, my casualty list is often wrong: I know that I only lost 4 vehicles, but the report will tell me 9. And 44 casualties when I can't have had more than a dozen, including wounded crews. None of my stuff is missing (all the troops and vehicles are in the right places).

There was a post a while back where someone got reports like this when they skipped night battles and there was a reply to the effect that it represented off map "attrition" during the night, but I'm seeing the same thing in battles that are played out with low casualties. The AI isn't very agressive at night, and I'm playing the receiving end of a destroy op, so I'm not going to get agressive in the dark.

At the end, 200 german vehicles were knocked out (according to the AAR), but I could count them on the battle field and I don't think there were more than 50 or so through the whole scenario (I managed to knock out all but a few and surround most of them so they couldn't be hauled off for repair).

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I have seen this too. I did an Op as you describe and had 1 night combat where I didn't lose a single man,yet the report listed that I lost 4 vehicles and I believe 9 men.

Have you thought of opening the Op in the editor and seeing how many vehicles the enemy had to find out how accurate or inaccuate the report was?

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I think that all the enemies vehicles left on the last battle of the OP,are counted as kills,and my experience is that alot of halftracks tend to get abandoned on the the mere suspicion of arty attacks,I mean you will never see them get deserted.

In the manual it says that even if a damaged vehicle gets pulled back for repairs,its not certain it will reappear.Also it has to have a crew to man it.



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