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red devils operation

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Has anyone outhere played that operation jet?

I finished it today and I have to say that the Germans were no match to me.

I posted some squads with piat support in the buildings near the bridge and my mortars at the end of the bridge.

These mortars killed almost each halftrack at the other side of the river.

Every time German units ran over the bridge they were slaughtered by my rifle squads.

These squads did not take any fire.Even the STurmgeschutze did not fire at them.

The AI road the remainig vehicles over the bridge without their infantry.

I just let them come towards me and finished them of with Piat and flamerthrowers.

At the last turn I did an attack with all my squads under smoke cover to the bridge and quikly surrendered it.

After warths their were just 11 Germans left

Total allied victory.A very simple battle or did I have much luck.

Did Anyone else have a bad experience with this battle as the British?

Let me know maybe we can play a pbem on that one.

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I was really pissed when I got a foot hold on the other side of the bridge on the first day, and I couldn't deploy troops there when night fell. As to your observation, I know what you mean. Defending the bridge is mere childs play.

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Yes I too had great success on the first day. I wiped out the Germans trying to cross the bridge.

I also got about 2 platoons over the bridge and, like Time, was also very pissed that I got stuck back on the other side of the bridge for the next battle.

So I havent played that operation anymore, because Im too frustrated about having to get my men BACK over the bridge.

Looks like all of us wouldnt have gone "A Bridge Too Far."

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Heh heh, I got 2 half squads over the bridge and down a little towards the buildings on the far side of the river and _was_ able to place troops across the river for the second battle, in which I took out the last bunker. Battles 3 and 4 were a little hairy but overall this operation (my first) went pretty easy. The StuH 105 stayed out far away for some reason, it might have been immobilized but it was able to turn; perhaps a sniper got the commander?

I was a little dismayed that I couldn't capture territory on the other side of the road on the far side. In one case I had a two-floor building occupied at the end of a battle and then got pushed out on the road at the start of the next. These areas were bordered in White; what does that mean?

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I am having similar placement problems. The first day I had my guys in those heavy buildings next too the bridge. When night fell I was "pushed" out of those by the set up lines. "My" buildings were in the white setup zone. Of course I had no units that could be set up there. I have found that to hold those buildings I need to have troops infront of them, in the trees by the river. This is a non-optimal position, its too bad I have to move some troops here for gamey reasons.

I have also found it trivial to hold the bridge. On the other hand, getting my own troops across is pretty dificult. Will I have to do so to win the Op? It makes sence that I should have to, but I am the defender, that sugests all I have to do is hold my ground.



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I also had this experiece with the Red Devils operation. I had no problem holding the bridge despite numerous German attacks. I played as the Germans also and was able to take and hold the north side of the bridge as well as a good part of Arnhem. In spite of this the operation was declared a total Allied victory. I understand the operation was a "destroy" type and my casualties were almost the same as allied casualties, but as the attacker I expected to take higher casualties.

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