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Need help with Last Defense scenario PLEASE!!!

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Ok, to anyone who has won as the US: how do you play this as the US and not have it end up a suicide mission?!?! :eek: :eek: :eek: I am asking this from a position of improving my tactics. There are a few scenarios like this that come with the disk, and at all I completely fail!

My troops are painfully out numbered, have little to no AT assests to speak of (not even squad based rifle grenades). And to add insult injury, they decide to fire they're rifles at a half track while 2 platoons of inf and a Tiger sit about 100m away. The zooks may hit one AFV, usually a HT, and then get hosed by the other HT and tanks. When I try to withdraw, the guys usally make about 50m before dropping to the ground IF they even get running in the first place! The MG crews are of little help, and usully get pinned very early, or worse have the building blown out from underneath them.

It's not just this one, as I said I have trouble with all scenarios like this. Ham and Jam is another good example. Please help me!!!!

[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: Guy w/gun ]

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*1. Don't show yourself until the Germans get close. The key to this one is not to give away your positions too early.

2. Ambush with the bazookas.

3. As an option, use one platoon in an active defense. Stay hidden off to the side, let the germans pass and then try to get around the Germans and attack from the side or rear. It will shake them up a bit and hopefully make them waste 5 minutes or so.

4. Disperse your hellcats the second they appear. If you can keep all 3 of them alive, you now have a numerical superiority in tank and the German will have to be conservative with his 2.

5. Use smoke to allow your tanks to move into town and close, where their guns are more evenly matched with the Germans.

6. Use your mortars up on the hillside to fire on the Germans the second they break from cover. At some point they will have to move accross open ground or a farmers field.

Good luck.

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Huh...I'm doing almost all of that. I gave up in frustration before the Hellcats arrived. I tried to not reveal myself to early as you said, but some sgt with a death wish decided to reveal himself on his own accord. I have played this scenario several times and this ALWAYS happens. The first HT that comes by gets shot at by my over-zealous soldiers, and then the platoons supporting it AND the Tiger route them.

Where do I get the smoke you suggested, from the 60mm mortars I start with?

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