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ASL Hill 621

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i've emailed you a scan of the scenario card.

i've got pretty much all of the "official" ASL scenarios ever published (and some from 3rd party magazines), so if you need anymore, let me know!




"The mass of the [Red] army stationed in Western Russia is to be destroyed in bold operations involving deep penetrations by armored spearheads, and the withdrawal of elements capable of combat into the extensive Russian land spaces is to be prevented.

By means of rapid pursuit a line is then to be reached from beyond which the Russian air force will no longer be capable of attacking the German home territories."

- - - Directive 21 "Fall Barbarossa"

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I modified the scenario, British rifle battalion vs. Heer units huddled on top of the hill.

I played as the Germans, Major Axis Victory.

I played as the British, Total Allied Victory.

Am playing as the Axis again, to test it, also because I am having way too much fun.

I find we have to be careful with ammo when playing the Germans, otherwise the MGs and mortars run out of ammo by the end of the game... and by then it's very sad.

Insted of those Su150s I used Churchill tanks, and I replaced the T-34s with Sherman Vs.

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