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Man, making a big map is HARD!

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I'm creating a battle based (as accurately as possible with my current sources) on the action at Singling, Dec 5 1944. In order to match what those sources said about engagement ranges and distances between different terrain features, my map is 2000x1200. Creating it is starting to feel like work!

Anybody have good map-making tips?


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what in gods name are you talking about? I LOVE making big maps. Making the map is half the fun of the scenario. I get really sick of small scenarios. When I first got the game in November of 2000 all I made was tiny basic maps. Then I stopped with the game until January when I actually started to get good at making scenarios. And now all I make are big detailed maps. I have never used auto generated. They are so bloody basic its irritatating....But for big maps, lay down the roads, then the elevation, (this is how I make big ones) then go to the farthest west/north corner and do it in segments dividing little squares using the roads. Thats what I do....divide it into small sections.


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