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Anyone care to share the .PDF manual?

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I DO own a copy of the game (US Version) and I DO have a printed manual. But when I travel it sure is nice to go as light as possible.

Could someone share an english copy of the .PDF manual with me?

Now, for the big question. I'm sure most of you are here reading this just to get this answered: Is it right to ask for this manual? Is this considered piracy?

I leave it up to you, the CMBB community. If you feel that I'm wrong in asking: please flame away. Hope you don't, but I'll understand if I get toasted and roasted over this.



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Just some thoughts...

I'm not trying to be smart but, I don't know you from Adam. Is there a CM buddy that you've already gamed with that has it?

My opinion is that it would be wrong for anyone who doesn't know you personally to send it to you because without that assurance, it could be piracy. (I think.)

How can anyone know for sure that you haven't just got a bootlegged copy from somewhere/ someone?

If you did buy it, BFC should probably be willing to email a copy to you after you prove to them that you bought it?

Maybe that is the way to go.

What do others think?

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No, I don't think that this is the way to go. I did not even think about copyright stuff when I made my request. I can simply make do with the printed manual as it is. (would have been nice to include the .PDF with all cd's though)

Thanks for the thought though.

Oh, and Swift: check your email. I sent you the whole game. Enjoy! But don't tell anybody! (hee hee)


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Originally posted by Voxman:

I do not have a .PDF of the manual on my CD Rom,

where can I download this .PDF or acquire it ?

The .PDF file was only included with the European version of the game. They got a file...we got a lovely manual we can hold in our hands!

Europe: 0

Rest of the World: 1

tongue.gif (JK!)

Moon! Kill this thread! (please)

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