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Tutorial: Use your head!

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I played the tutorial without looking at the manual, and moved my main infantry platoon along the left edge, and the supporting units (mortar and MGs) in the center. The tanks moved to the center too, occasionally area-firing to harass the defenders. When the infantry reached the bushes on the upper left, they ran in the woods and then advanced cautiosly taking the defenders in the flank. Meanwhile, the tanks knocked out the AT gun and showered fire on anything moving.

Result: Russian IMMENSE victory on turn 11 on 25+

THEN I readed the .pdf manual, and discovered that the plan was actually to attack using a human wave. "Expect casualties!" Well, thanks!

Not a difficult tutorial, all in all. Maybe the Russian units did a little too well, and were a little too cool and coordinated under fire for Russian infantry circa 1941 - but maybe it was the vodka factor :D

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[spoiler CITY]

Yeah, I scouted w/ a inf platoon along the left edge, & followed with the heavy weps & command elements. Wasn't sure if the center stand of trees was occupied, so kept the tanks back & to the left... got a sound ID on the Ger Inf, and had the tanks let rip with surpressing fire (The AT gun made a very brief appearance before being blown away). Just overran each Ger squad one at a time.

Move To Contact + next turn Assault = Crushing Soviet Defeat.

Then I tried it Human Wave style. Set up the MG's and mortar, hammered the woods for a few turns with heavy weps + tanks, and then sent out the wave.

Wimps didn't even make it 1/2 way before routing.

The lesson? Unless you've got a TON of troops, use the Human Wave more as a movement order than an assault order.

[ September 01, 2002, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: mcgivney ]

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I had an easy time of the Tutorial with the Russians. Which was odd, because I almost always got reamed whenever I played CMBO. I kept my tanks to the left, took out the AT gun and then moved them in towards the flag. Mg's and the mortar were held back in the center patch of pine's to give covering fire for my men to move down the center. The Germans got beaten pretty badly.

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Strangely I used a tactic I used in CMBB tutorial, that always failed in CMBO. I kicked butt in this battle as well, although not quiet as fast, slow and simple works just like fast and hard, against the AI anyway...hehe. One of the reasons the Red Army used human wave attacks was because the army had always based victory on wight of numbers.

[ September 01, 2002, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: Panzerman ]

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