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Well, wadda ya know?

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Well, today I was playing a scenerio and at the beginning I decided for a change of pace, and would go it the slow way and move carefully. One of my more glaring weaknesses is moving my tanks ahead of my infantry. I also decided for a change of that, and kept my tanks behind or beside my infantry. Another thing that hindered me was my lack of forethought. I might recognize a likely place of where the enemy might be, but I never thought beyond that (ie, where to attack from, what might the enemy have there, should I sneak in, move or rush?). Changed for the scenario as well. I took a good long time at the beginning to decide how I'd move my men and what I wanted to do with them, and how I would use my armor in combination with them. Much to my surprise, I did very well. I timed my infantry jumps, and used my tanks to pin down the enemy while they did so. I'm about 20 turns into the 35, with 1 flag under my control and two left to go (the mass of the enemies units seemed to be around that 1 flag, which was located in a small town). About half of my squads are in top shape, with the rest having a loss of 1-3 men per squad. All my armor is currently with me. Hopefully, I will make it and win the rest of the map.

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