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Competition Map for Ladder Games

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I got tired of Meeting Engagement QB's where the map favored one side or the other so I made a PERFECTLY fair map. No matter how you bisect the map, north/south or east/west, both halves are exactly the same with one half being rotated 180*. What this means is if you have a large hill on your left side your opponent has exactly the same large hill on his left side.

By opening the file in the Scenario editor you can whip up a quick scenario since the time consuming map work is already done. All you have to do is decide on scenario parameters, define setup zones, and choose the units. To preserve FOW you could let a 3rd party put the units of your choosing into the scenario for you. I would be willing to do this for people who want to use the map.

If you want to check out the map just email me and I'll send you the file. If people are interested in truly fair maps I will make more of them. Smoker out.

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I like the idea of used created maps for ladder games, most of the QB maps tend to look the same. But what I don't really care for are perfectly fair maps. It kind of ruins the randomness, the flavor, and the charisma of the game. It's kind of like playing an entire baseball season in the same stadium with the same crowd. It gets old and stale, no excitement, nothing unexpected to spice things up. Part of the charm of baseball is that different fields are different sizes and characteristics.

It's sort of the same with CM. If you always play with a fair battlefield then you loose that little bit of flavor that adds to the game. So what if you loose a game every now and then to an unfair battlefield? It will come back to you in another ladder game because every time you load a QB you have a 50% chance of being the side with the advantage(if either side does have and advantage).

Just my 2 cents.

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