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Operation: Team Desobry- - - - Spoiler

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Well after playing this operation I am in confusion. The object was to hold the town of Nuvillle guarding over the road to Bastogne. I setup in the town heavily with a couple of troops and armor at the road leading to Bastogne. I held the Germans from coming even remotely close to the road to Bastogne, and the Germans didnt even make it into the town of Nuville. Also I inflicted more casualties than they inflicted on me. I lost 10 armored vehicles, them 18, I lost 34 men, (9 KIA), they 54 men (24 KIA), yet at the end of turn 15 it was a total axis victory. Did I miss something in the briefing?

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Join the club. If you look down below several threads you will see a lengthy discussion about the problems with this operation. Many of us have experienced the exact same thing you describe. Pity too, because I really enjoyed the first (and only, for me) battle.


"Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes the bar eats you. Take it easy, Dude." -- The Stranger

The Dude abides.

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"The only" as in the only battle the operation let me play before declaring a total Axis victory.

And you know, I'd be just as disappointed had I been playing from the Axis perspective and gotten such a cheap "Total Victory."

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This happened to me as well (total axis victory) but only after I bypassed the town and tried to advance the map. I think the root of the problem is that it's an "advance" mission and there is no victory location inside the town. Alas for I was really enjoying it at first.

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