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How do assault a bocage?

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Howdy howdy howdy,

currently playing the scenario (the name escapes me, I'm at "work" so I can't look it up) where its an all infantry 40 turn battle in the bocage, on the way to St. Lo.

Anyway, I'm knocking at the krauts' door right now, but am finding an ambush at every bocage!

My question is, how effective is firing blind into a bocage with a suspect ambush? will cover fire into a bocage (with the enemy anywhere between 3-10 meters behind it, ambushing) from two full rifle squads suppress the enemy enough to send men through?

I guess in general, the bocage is the trickiest terrain I've fought on so far. I guess more artillery would have been the best bet, but now that my boys are right up next to the enemy an artillery barrage right now seems a little risky.

Even if I fought this battle all over again knowing what I know now, I still don't know WHERE I would have wanted to fire my artillery, I had lots of it (four batteries of 105mm, 1 battery of 81mm mortar) but I just didn't know how spread out his men where they were, I felt I needed to get close enough to see, problem is with the bocage is that you have to get right up IN it to see what's behind it, and by then, its too late!

Anyone had succesful times in the bocage?

[This message has been edited by Spacewrangler (edited 09-27-2000).]

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I can say this much...welcome to reality. All reports of hedgerow fighting were that it was absolutely horrible. Men continuously ran into the exact same problem you're having. You've to to love a game that realistic.

Unfortunately, I've never assaulted a bocage and thus don't have any suggestions other than to try sending your men through it at an unlikely spot, rather than to go through the breaks. You'll have no idea what's on the other side, but chances are it's not an ambush.

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Although I generally think that FM Montgomery was a numbskull and a nincompoop, he did have the most elegant solution to dealing with bocage. He just backed up and firebombed it with B24's at low altitude for 4 days. Unfortunately, you don't exactly have that option.

I'd recommend a combination of OH58's and MLRS launchers using cluster bomblet munitions. This should soften things enough for you to go in with a combination of AH64's and Blackhawks filled with Rangers. Oops. I forgot. You don't have that option either.

It's a pretty poor substitute, but the usual prescription for dealing with bocage was FT tanks and infantry advancing very slowly. Needless to say, the 11B's definitely earned their reputation as "eleven bulletcatchers".

Sorry about your luck.

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Guest Michael emrys

Haven't played that scenario (sounds interesting) so I can only give general advice. And that is before you start off, call in an artillery strike on the next hedgerow over for a couple turns. Then, if there don't seem to be any stray shells falling on your side of the field you're going to have to cross, start your men through the hedgerow on your side. If you have MGs set them up where they can give you covering fire. Use some of your squads for that too.

When everybody is in position, either check the artillery fire or shift it a bit further into the enemy's backfield. You don't want any short rounds falling onto your own men. Then rush your remaining squads across the field to close with the enemy. DO NOT stop them in the middle of an open field; they'll just get chewed up there. Something to think about doing is to lay smoke on any known or suspected enemy positions. Timing is really important because you want the smoke to clear just as you are reaching the enemy so that your suppressive squads/teams can have a clear shot. Close with the enemy until you are within grenade range and stick it to him. Bring up the rest of your squads/teams and repeat as necessary.


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What I recommend is moving a platoon up to but not through the bocage. The troops should be positioned right behind the bocage so they can look/shoot through it. You can veryify the troops are positioned correctly by using the Line of Sight tool. Once the enemy is sufficiently suppressed advance one squad through the bocage with the other two squads remianing behind the bocage providing cover fire. Once the single squad has a firm fire base move up the rest of the platoon. Repeat.

If you happen to have armor, move them up to the bocage first (but not through). After the infantry pushes through move up the armour again.

Defensively it is a good plan to position your squads/MG teams at the corners of the fields, behind the hedgrow. This allows them to have interlocking fields of fire.

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I would suggest (when possible) to bring some SPA's. Have them blast the expected ambush points with a couple of HE shells before rushing the spots with your infantry.

Do not push them too far ahead of your infantry though. Bocage country can be a tank slaughter house if you try to rush your tanks through.

Also make sure to move atleast two squads through the bocage at any given time. If they would find an enemy unit on the other side they will have a higher probability to handle him than if they would be alone.


< All gave some, some gave ALL>

Owner of MiNa's CMBO Page


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Faust:

Perhaps CM 2 will allow engineers to blast through bocage?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I will be greatly surprised if we find any bocage in CM2.


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