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Favorite view level ?

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Now hold on here-- me being grubbily ignorant-- this conversation sez nothing about viewing the game battle -- I can't imagine watching the 1 minute unfold without first observing from a height. I figure I have to check everything that is seen and what my men target -- if I was to watch at level one I'd have to watch it 20 30 x's! So if everyone admits to doing that it becomes just a matter of who has the better memory of the exact situation -- which while being commendable is hardly a reason for being a better tactician.

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Dear Splash,

This is a whole new way to play and enjoy this great game. I have been playing and play testing Iron Man Rules nearly every day for the past couple of months. I have played small (1000pts or less) unit actions. I can only imagine the complications of playing a large scenario such as August Bank Holiday (the last scenario I played before switching to IM).

Yes IM takes more time to view but every squad/platoon is a situation unto itself with its own terrain and firefight problems. As commander you still have the organizational challenges. I think you will find that once into an IM game your review repeats will be necessary information and not considered wasted time. I use the Fast Forward key along with the Shift key while viewing the movie. This advances every 3 seconds rather than the 1 second or the 10 second advance with Fast Forward alone.

I suggest giving IM a trial run with 500 pts.

You can see for yourself. I have a list of

7 or 8 rules that I use. The hard core IM people probably have triple this number. I would be glad to e mail you this list.


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Louie the Toad

I think I'll hold off for a bit --- I'm still working up my courage to challenge a human.(I'm sounding Ferrengi here)

I recently played All or Nothing from both sides and I'm still working out the cramps my shoulders got from all that road work -- I couldn't imagine sorting out those #$@^& traffic jams - altho' I did enjoy watching the AI on attack pushing all those vehicles across the fields -- very impressive-- I wished I could hire it for background work. i.e. Get that tank out of that ditch and I don't care what it takes just don't make me go down there and drive the thing!

As you say each squad is a special firefight situation and I'm still working and platoon formations to attack efficently. Not to mention a better feel for when to reveal what asset at what point for maximum effect.

But one feature I think the game could add that would make IM rules easier to use is to have an equivalent flip thru with the plus and minus key for the opponents forces that have been seen.

It seems to me that you are supposed to be punished for careless viewing but when in fact I would expect somebody on my staff to point out important viewings and give me appropriately insistant updates

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A good idea, sort of bookmarking the enemy's positions.

Would going to view level 7 or 8 help?

I use this with IM as if it was the HQ map.

(IM purists would want me to print the map at the beginning of the game and refer to that print out. I suppose they would also say that I could update it by hand when I see an enemy unit. I say, use level 7 or 8 and assume it is the HQ staff and others who have updated the map.) Ok, I will stop now. :D

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Favorite view levels: I always keep my camera on 4; gives a nice 3D feel for the battlefield. 1 I also use alot to find out exactly what's going on. 5 plots good moves on slopes and also gives you a better feel for things distance-wise. Lastly, 8 is great for finding what enemy units have appeared in the last turn (i.e. go to 8 and then change unit sizes to +4).

The Major

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Louie the Toad

Yes, levels 7 and 8 I use all the time. But when theres alot of generic markers you have get down close and click each one to see if an arty spotter (or anything equally interesting is in the bunch) Further, I just discovered that a marker with the "Infantry?" does not necessaryily mean you don't know the make up of that particular unit -- it may have been fully identified before(and just lost contact with for now) and if you open the info screen for that unit all the details will be revealed.

So now I find myself going for the info screen on all generic's just in case.

Again it seems to be punishment for careless viewing and would not happen (hopefully!) on a regular basis on any real HQ map.

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What we are talking about here is Fog of War.

As far as playing vs the AI is concerned it is a matter of taste. You like to know the details and are more meticulous. On the other hand if I see an enemy infantry figure in the distance I don't select it. I identify it the best I can with the zoom levels I think my units should have available and the LOS tool. The AI will also identify it at times, but often only with the "infantry ?" designation as you describe above. If I lose track of a target so be it. If we ever played against each other we would have to agree on the "rules" to use. Right now I am playing against a human opponent who has 3 pillboxes. Two have mg and one has an 88.

Two have been very quiet for at least 7 turns, maybe more. I don't know if my extensive shelling has caused casualties or not? I observed no direct hits. Are the pillbox crews dead from near misses? BUT ...Is he low on ammo or Is he waiting to open up on my forces as I move into his los? As much as I would love to know the answers to these questions before I sacrifice some units to find out, I still don't think I should know what has happened inside the pillboxes.

Thoughtful Toad :cool:

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I like First Person view, er, realistic.

I usually watch the 'movie' 4-5 times from different units perspectives, often 'locked' to moving vehicles. I frequently move the camera to the ground zero of my arty barrages with camera shake, I like to 'feel' the pain my shells are inflicting.

If there is a lot of action in a small area I'll pull back to '3' to watch that.

Then I usually watch the whole thing at 8 or 9 with 'bases' turned on to spot any new or intermitantly visible targets.

I use zoom ('[' and ']') and 'Dip' (shift A shift Z) alot

During order 'phase' I use whatever.

I also cruize around at 1 or 2 all over the terrain to spot LOS and blindspots.

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