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Anyone overrun Americans in Chance encounter?

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I played Chance Encounter again as the Axis for the 3rd time, yesterday, and came up with a different tactic for dealing with the American scum! hehe wink.gif

I placed on my left flank a counterattacking force of all 3 Stugs, and nearly all of my SMG and HSMG squads, split into roughly two groups, a MG42 squad, and 2 Panzerschrek squads.

In the middle I sent 3 MG42 squads, the 81mm FO, and an officer to take up residence in the church.

On my right flank I sent all the remaining troops into the woods to wait and see if my quick counterattack into the woods on the americans right flank would work.

With some of the men riding on Stugs, the men got to the edge of the woods quickly without being seen. By this time my FO was in the church, and had already called down mortar fire to confuse and panic the enemy. I only knew where a couple of tanks were, but I guessed that nearly all of his troops were bunched together in a slow advance.

As mortar fire rained down, and all of my left flank entered the woods, the 3 Stugs stopped in the middle between the large wooded are, to set up a kill zone as infantry and tanks crossed towards the church and middle buildings of the map. At this time I sent some of my men on my right flank forward in a false attack to take buildings on the americans left flank near the wheat field. This drew the tanks attention from the woods, which is what I wanted. Reinforcements arrived not too long after this, and I sent them into the woods to wait and see what happened to my attacking force.

Gunfire erupted in the forest as my SMG and HSMG squads encountered heavy american resistance in the woods. Losses were extremely heavy, but by this time, mortar fire was punishing the Americans, and their men were starting to panic. My Stugs also knocked out 2 Shermans which became visible in the kill zone. They also mowed down some infantry with their MG fire.

At this point the Americans were coming under fire from the woods, murderous MG42 fire from the church, my last mortars were falling, and my tanks were punishing their troops in the woods. I had 1 SMG squad and 1 officer left, along with 1 Panzerschrek team, and a MG42 squad. The Shermans, after recovering and figuring out my plan tried to come right at me, destroying 2 of my Stugs. But, by this time I had destroyed 4 Shermans.

Reversing my Stug, I played scared...causing the Shermans to try to reverse and come around the woods into the open. I moved forward again, as my SMG squad penetrated further into the woods, killing even more Americans. My STUG caught a Sherman with its back turned and knocked it out. The last sherman tried to fire, scored a hit, but luckily my STUG survived...turned...acquired target, and BOOM, got a hull penetration shot! WOO HOO!

At this point I knew I had one. I launched a major counterattack from the woods, the buildings near the wheat field, and the few men I had in the buildings in front of the church. Along with the STUG it was a mop up job. The Americans surrendered on round 20 or so, and I just smiled. I killed nearly all of the American troops and suffered very few casualties...40 I think...mainly all of my SMG troops who sacrificed their life for the Fatherland, hehe. wink.gif

Just wondering if anyone else has found success using this tactic. I found defense to be futile...and I got nowhere.

I know I'm not the only one...tell a newbie how you did. Oh yeah Im waiting on my shipment as we speak...this game is great!

Go Volkssturm GO! haha



Generalmajor Dryfear (CO)

Volunteer for the Fatherland today!


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I played that scenario a number of times, and we found that if you're playing the Americans, the best thing to do is blast the Germans BEFORE they have time to get to the church.

After that it's hard to get those shermans just with the three StuGs.

The tactic you used sounds good to me!


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That was basically my most successful approach. I tended to put more into the church than you did. From time to time 'fausts placed there did well on the Shermans making the load on the Stuggs lighter. But, all in all that was my best


Playing the other side, I found two approaches that proved successful, mainly.

One was a rush by squad bearing Shermans up to the cross road and hiding out behind the buildings and dumpint their squads. Remaining troops were mainly sent left to the wheatfield\building objective with a few to claim the flag in the wooods in the center in front of the church. That left the Germans having to attack the church etc. On the left my troopers generally were able to occupy the objective and get set for the Germans to work their way through the woods.

The other approach was to send all the Shermans up the left side and take shelter with the trees on their left and overlooking the objectives. Infantry riding would get into the woods and protect against German infantry there.

In either instance the whole depended on removing the Stuggs, then all else was fairly easy. This was usually accomplished, but not without at least losing a tank or two. Sometimes more. Actually, that is the ticket to playing either side, eliminate the opposing armor, than go after the infantry supported with armor.

[This message has been edited by Bobbaro (edited 08-13-2000).]

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Newbie to this game and only have the demo (although the game is on order).

Firstly I agree with all of you this game rocks and is the best wargame, tactical simulation of WWII to date.

After playing the Close Encounters scenario more than a couple of times I have managed to get a TOTAL victory with the germans and a MAJOR victory with the Yanks.


Similar to the tactics above, but advance with one Stug on the left flank to a Hull down position by the big woods. This basically forces the Shermans into a two way kill zone and I managed to wipe them all out with the lose of only one Stug. After that, it was just a mop up.

Can't wait until I receive the full game. Many late nights ahead!!


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