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Russian movement delay

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CMBB seems to be aware of the delay in the movement command that must have gone on in real life, not withstanding the experience or fitness level of the troops. We think of the game as Germany vs Russia but in reality many different nations made up the USSR. Many languages and dialects were spoken in the front lines that presumably had to be known by the command structure as well. Also making sure that NCO's etc were from the same country or area as the troops was vitally important. It must have been a nightmare!

The same situation might befall the Germans, but only at the operation level, as the Axis powers tended to fight as individual nations.

They same was true of the Allies but at least there was a somewhat common language.(The Poles, Free French, Ghurkas are the exceptions perhaps).

On a different note, do the "Russians" seem more aggressive in the Yelnia battle when "commanded" by the AI as opposed to when they are yours to command?

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Originally posted by Tim S:

On a different note, do the "Russians" seem more aggressive in the Yelnia battle when "commanded" by the AI as opposed to when they are yours to command?

Well, only in so much as they don't bother advancing cautiously. I advance by platoon under a hail of suppressive MG fire from Maxims and T-34s. The AI advances more or less altogether with little heavy weapons support. I think that gives them a more aggressive appearance. Especially since all those bodies mean lots of targets for your few MGs, thus diluting their effectiveness somewhat.
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