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Extending Scenarios

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In short, sort of.

The best you can do is to start a QB and import the map & units from the initial fight. The "trick" is that, if you want the "same" fight, you'll need to set the Quickbattle parameters to match. If you're playing the AI and do not want any more forces, just make sure to have both forces picked by a you and choose nothing.

You could also edit the original scenario to have a longer turn limit, but that's not what you're asking about.

In general, though, I think you'll find that extending the battle past the turn limit will be less than optimal. Your troops are likely very low on ammo, meaning you'll get to stare at the enemy across the way smile.gif

I think I've covered the options, if someone else has any suggestions I'd like to hear them.

As a minor thread hijack, I'd love to be able to import the map & units into the scenario editor. One can always hope.

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Ack! I just opened the 'Scenario Editor' in the main screen for the first time and changed the file turns, it was easy. Sorry, I just didn't think of it because I never intended to make up my own scenarios.

This importing of a saved file into a 'quick battle', I tried that and couldn't get what I wanted, is that explained in the manual in the editing section? I could import the file, but I couldn't exit without buying equipment and the battle started at the set up, not where I left off. However, it did have the right map.

So, is it possible to continue to play a saved game from, say turn 25, with the same units and in the same positions as at the time of the save? Basically to extend the turns of a saved game, so that I can continue to play it after the finish?

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