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area fire, friendly casualties

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I was just trying to complete "Red Devils" as the Brits with something more than a tactical victory, when it occurred to me that my assault squads were running straight into the murderous suppressing fire I had directed at a house from three squads in the woods.

How can you apply concentrated area fire at the same time you have guys rushing the target? Do you have to have the assault team hold up just short? I did a cursory search on this and obviously didn't get the answer I was looking for...


"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."

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Guest Der Unbekannte Jäger

I was under the impression that the TacAI would stop area fire if your men were in danger. Did you take any losses that you can tell from friendly fire? Did the area fire eventually stop when your troops entered that area?


"The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum."

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The TacAI is supposed to hold fire when they see friendly units in the impact area. The key to remember is that they must be seen by the shooters for a little bit before they are recognized as friendly and fire is stopped. If you have a couple of squads pounding the front of a building while another squad makes a wide flanking movement to assault the building form the rear, the flanker may not be noticed in time to prevent casualties.


"It's a boy!" - My wife's OB/GYN

Nov. 8th, 4:45am

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It's hard to be certain that the area fire is killing my people, since the Germans appear to have done a good job of it themselves. I just noticed that at the start of the next turn, the area-fire order remained in effect and my guys were in the house...

But I was unaware that the TacAI would take note of friendlies. Thx for the response.


"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."

-Bertrand Russell

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