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Getting Annihilated in City Battles

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I thought I was a reasonably fair CM player for a newbie until I attempted a city battle.(BTW just received the game 2 weeks ago and I must point out that saying it is great is an understatement). Anyway, I started off jumping from house to house with my engineer squads, flamethrowers, and machineguns (50 cal). Soon into the battle, I spotted a Wespe moving towards my line of advance from the other side of town. I immediately called one of my 3 Shermans over and it was taken out in short order, but not before it did horrendous damage to one of my platoons and panicked them. I ordered the other 2 Shermans and Hellcat to cover seperate lanes into the town to provide cover fire for advancing infantry (plus I was nervous about other German armor assets lurking about). Soon afterwards, my men made it to the center of town and the victory objectives...then all hell broke loose. First of all the Germans pounded me with seemingly unending 81mm and 105mm arty fire. On top of this i was unable to advance due to the murderous crossfire and German infantry/machine guns hiding in the houses I needed for cover. Then, to my horror I heard that cringe inducing tank "knockout" sound several times...2 Shermans and the Hellcat were in flames. Meanwhile, a Panther, Stug III (shelled my troops nicely), Whirbelwind, and a 37mm Flak came into view. Needless to say the battle was over at this point. So my question to the board is the following: Could anyone give me a few sound, generic city-fighting tactics along with the effective use of tanks in this situation? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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One thing you have to remember about engaging in an urban battle is that good recon will get you a long way in winning a scenario. Secondly, tank/ infantry teams moving in tandem in an assault and support formation with adequate use of smoke rounds will help you in minimizing your losses, tanks lacking leg support usually dies fast and infantry without tank support advancing in a heavily defended street will be wiped out in minutes . Use the natural layout of the land to your advantage. Third, use your arty wisely on suspected enemy positions. Do not stay in one place for long if you want enemy arty to hammer you.Fourth, Plan it well. This is very important,as an attacker you will have inherent disadvantages that if you are not careful,you will suffer defeat and cathasthropic losses. know when to be aggressive and to be cautious. Watch your flanks, do not overextend your advance, you might find yourself surrounded and wiped out on detail. Well that's about it .Hope you will do good next time.


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It seems that your opponent (AI?) is quite good, and street fighting is always a slaughter...

A few pointers you might find useful:

- Use your tanks to demolish possible enemy occupied buildings. This can give you longer lines of fire as well as get rid of troublespots.

- Tanks in city are zook/shreck fodder. It might be better to keep them outside of the town, covering main avenues for instance, until you can make assess the OPFOR setup.

- Use the hunt command to pop around corners, followed by a reverse command. This way a tank gets one or two shots off before reversing.

- Find good spots for your machineguns, where they can cover advancing platoons with suppressive fire. Moving them too often is not necessarily a good idea.

- Prepare assaults to possible enemy locations with mortar or arty.

- Keep your squads in command as much as possible.

- I personally prefer to scout with high quality troops, as they take fewer losses, react faster, and tend to panic less often.

- Assault with at least 2-1 odds.

Hope I helped a bit.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Mikey D

More tips:

Keep your guys mobile: If a Stug is approaching building #1, immediately let your men run out the back to building #2! As Patton said, your job is NOT to die for your country, it's to make the OTHER poor bastard die for his country!

Local numerical superiority: If one squad of enemy infantry is holding a location, attack it with three squads of your infantry, NOT the other way around! As a rule 24 gun-toting guys will beat nine gun toting guys in a standup fight.

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