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You can only withdraw back toward your side of the map, so you can only use it for certain situations. But withdrawl does not have a command delay, the units start moving immediately, but they do suffer morale hits. So, you would use withdrawl to get a squad out of an ambush, out of the area for an artillery barage, etc. Basically, its used to withdrawl your mem.

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Basically it's what happens to some troops if they miss their morning coffee and cigarette.

Alternatively if they are from NYC and of Italian derivation, when they have already gone through all the platoon's morphine ampules.



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I prefer the fighting retreat. Your men are going to take a moral hit anyway if they get caught in an ambush and they're probably gonna die too. So why not go down fighting and take the enemy with you.

Using the command delay (for let's say a platoon). I Stagger their retreat. One squad pulls out as the other two lay down cover fire (as best they can). When the 1st squad repositions the next is ready to go. Hopefully the squad that retreated is in a position to lay cover fire (LOS still good). I then move the final squad w/ the Command unit back last. I think this is called leap frogging, I'm not sure. Onlt I'm doing it backwards (most of the time too smile.gif).

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If you badly outnumbered & getting your head handed to you and you want to lessen your casualties by running, use withdraw. Every second that you are receiving massed fire will cost you men, so it is better to run & have someone to fight later on. Richard

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I just had a situation where I had several squads in a building and I was being blasted by 2 assault guns. By using the withdraw command for all the units I was able to cut my loses and get out of Dodge. Just as they left the building it went up in flames. Any other command would have spelled their doom.

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