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Everything posted by mdnight21

  1. I think you are talking about mods. Basically these are BMP files that can be downloaded to replace the existing ones in the game to give you better graphics. The first place to start is Combat Mission HQ. Once there, go to the tag on the left that says 3rd pary mods and then look at Madmatt's mod guide and it will tell you everything you need to know, including which mods to load first etc. By the way, you can also "mod" sound files. The site is located here: www.combatmission.com
  2. I currently have an IPM Ativa P3 450 with an S3 OEM video card with 8 Mbytes of memory. Needless to say, I can't use too many of the Hi-Res mods without having the system grind to a halt, therefore, I need to upgrade my video card. I don't need the latest and greatest card because my "old" PC just can't supply the data fast enough to challenge the newer cards, so I have been looking at some of the older cards that have dropped in price. Studying the problem has led me believe that I should get a GeForce2 MX based card preferrably a 400 seriest instead of the 200 series, or some form of Radeon. I don't see a lot of good press on the Voodo cards. Anyway, I would appreciate any suggestions anyone can make about a low cost mid-line card upgrade. Thanks in advance.
  3. You can only withdraw back toward your side of the map, so you can only use it for certain situations. But withdrawl does not have a command delay, the units start moving immediately, but they do suffer morale hits. So, you would use withdrawl to get a squad out of an ambush, out of the area for an artillery barage, etc. Basically, its used to withdrawl your mem.
  4. I'm not sure if it is really a WWII book, since it was written in 1937, but Heinz Guderian's, Achtung Panzer is a fascinating look at where the tank came from and how the people who invented it, the French and English, never learned the techniques of how to exploit it, until the German's demonstrated it in 1939 and beyond.
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