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Will the real Hsf Wittmann please stand up? (bug)

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check this out. Playing the Villers Bocage operation. I get to the second battle and I have two Wittmanns:


I played this one before and didn't see this. I guess Wittmann is not supposed to survive the first part of the battle intact ie. immobilized, gun hit etc.

Anybody else see this?

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Saturday there was an item about him and the villers-bocage battle on Discovery europe.

In the first battle his tank was indeed damaged and he had to walk back to his HQ to report what happened,than he returned with a new tank and reinforcements.

Another thing I noticed was that the he destroyed the British column from an other road that ran parallel to the mainroad.

He killed the first and the last vehicle from that column and drove past the rest and killed them one by one.They had no chance at all.I have seen the area and only the operationmap looks a bit like it but not complete because the vehicles in the column can escape.

Any one else seen it?

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There are two WIttman's on purpose. In the vast majority of all V-B Operations, Wittman gets his tank knocked out, as happened in real life. As the poster above says, he hauls ass back to Div HQ reports the situatin in V-B and returns for thr afternoon fight in a second tank, so I included him again in the reinforcements for the second battle.


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