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nVidia/CM** Ethical Issues

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Having been going through dozens of threads and hundreds of posts on the issue of the nVidia/CM** conflict, and how well documented it is, I wanted to pose an ethical question.

Since Battlefront is aware of these conflicts, would it not be ethical to alert people of this potential conflict on the order or info page? There is a very large number of nVidia card users, and I know for myself, had I known I would have to "roll back" my drivers just to be able to play (effectively shutting out other games/applications I use), I would not have purchased the game.

It just seems unethical to me, and a bit deceptive, as they know this conflict exists, yet do nothing to warn potential buyers of the problem.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy CMBB immensely, WHEN it runs properly, but getting it to do so has been nothing but a headache at times. It doesn't matter who's fault it is, but Battlefront does know about it, and seems to be content to have the money flow in, and then force their customers to come to these boards with the problem, only to find out it is nothing new, and has been going on for quite a while.


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Oh please....

When the game was released, it worked with the current NVidia driver. It worked with the next release, then Nvidia broke it. Nvidia doesn't even support most of the releases, as they are "leaked" drivers, and are non-supported, but Battlefront is trying to hide it? Look at the FAQ listed, look in the support forum, look, they even give you a demo to test their game and encourage you to do so. Nothing unethical here. Nvidia has to come forth with a fix, and that is that.


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