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Why was camera rotation changed?

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Originally posted by lewallen:

Just because you can get used to something doesn't necessarily make it better.


From an ergonomic and 'ease of use' POV, The current system *is* better than the old. In CMBO to had to hold down a key, in CMBB you don't have to. That's one less key press. From a game design standpoint, the fewer keys needed to play the game, the better. That's why most games map the Pause key to 'P', not 'Shift-Ctrl-Alt-P'

I don't know what criteria you are using to make your evaluation other than 'I'm having a hard time getting used to it', so maybe I'm missing something here.

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I don't know if this is said before:

I got used to the new system quickly and the game "usage" is not a problem, however the new system takes one camera movement option out of the hands of the user. That is simultanious backward movement/rotation (cursor placed in the lower corner). Probably 90% of players never used this option, but i did, found it handy, and am restricted to use in the new system.

Maybe BFC could consider using the very corners of the lower screen to produce such a camera movement?

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