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BUG!? In editor, trucks, fortifications and wire "move around"

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This is very strange, but when constructing a battle I've noticed the following:

1) Trucks will not stay where they were originally placed even when this is computer set to stay at computer default.

2) Pillboxes and bunkers ROTATE 180 degrees away from the friendly map edge. In other words, if the friendly map edge is North they will face South REGARDLESS of the diretion I rotated them (and want them to stay!)to for computer set-up.

3) Barbed wire. Same thing-- rotates. I had a bunch of barbed wire lined up parallel to one another leaving "rows of holes" for everyone to walk through smile.gif

I don't want to have to padlock these as I'd like the player to have flexibility when setting up. But I'd sure like to keep everything from "moving around" HELP BTS!

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