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Anyone used the BoB rarity tables this way....?

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Here's what we used for a recent TCP/IP game:

Rather than agreeing to a 1-8 rarity "level" we agreed to the number of rarity _points_ we could each spend. Potential point range was 5-12.

Here's how we spent points:

Must spend at least 1 point in each of the 5 unit categories - Infantry, Support, Ve., Arm., and Arty. (Thus the 5 point minimum.) The number of points you spend is the rarity level you may purchace in that category. So in a 12 point game you could spend, for example, 8 points on Armor, to make available your favorite Uber tank. But then you'd have only 1 point for all the other categories, and could get only the most common stuff.

We liked the system... but there are probably problems with it. It's very simple (though certainly not as simple as the BoB "level" method), but I wouldn't mind making it a little more complicated, but more usefull.

Like, maybe, having Armor rarity cost extra. We could set it on a 3-10 point scale, say - so you'd have to spend at least 3 points in "Armor" to get any tanks/JdgPz/SPGs at all.

I'm also not sure how it might upset play balance... I imagine someone more familiar with the game and the BoB tables might see a potential major abuse that I've missed.

And, of course, Fortifications aren't in the BoB tables. (At least not last time I looked...)

Anyone else try out a similar system? What was it? How'd you like it?

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