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Nasty Dirty Scenarios

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I've been lucky with getting good revues for my scenarios (8+), but 2 of them got below 7 which is bad for my ego: Finally had time to go and fix them up... The one: "Rotten Hill" had a serious fault: The German (AI) bunker guns couldn't penetrate the Brit armor (yegh) and even worse - a clever player could sneak past all defenses and take the objectives without a fight! OY! The embarrassment when this was pointed out..

Well - now you can try your luck and see if you can take the Rotten Hill:

Medium; Turns: 40; Aug. 1944; Dawn; Rain; Mud

British Airborne & Engineers against AI only

The idea behind this scenario is 3 fold:

1) It will give you an opportunity to use & experience the 14" & 7" masterblasters...

2) You'll get to use the AVRE's - very useful against bunkers, but their range is very short

3) You'll have to deal with extensive minefields and bunkers - look after your engineers!! If you don't know how to remove mines with engineers it might be advisable to set up a practice scenario first :)

The second: "Up Close & Personal" got a very bad review :-( (could it be because the reviewer missed the note that it was meant for PBEM only :( ... Anyway, he still mentioned some valid errors and these have now been rectified. Meanwhile the scenario has also been tested quite extensively for balance and continuous combat purposes.

Turns: 40

Size: Huge

Meeting Engagement

Day Clear Damp Fictional

Suitable for PBEM only.

Early April 1945 - Northern Ruhr.

Hitler's actions were becoming more and more irrational. On the 12th he replaced Gen. Steeg with Gen. Flappe and ordered him to hold Raznik at all cost.

Gen. Flappe rushed back to his HQ and shouted for his maps - he had no idea where Raznik was or why the hell it was important!...

Raznik turned out to be a new rail depot (and hardly anything else) in the Ravel valley. It was a mayor rail link between the Ruhr and Berlin, but lay too far to the North of Army Group Central's advance to have any significant influence... But he was not about to voice his opinion to the Fuhrer...

On the 16th Gen. Bernardt from 13th Corp was informed of a steady influx of men and machines into Raznik. He suspected that Steeg might try a surprise flank attack (he wasn't aware that Steeg has been replaced) and promptly sent a Battalion (the 34th) and a goodly mix of armor to take control of the town and rail yard.

On the night of the 17th the battle of Raznik started with a ferocity unknown in that quiet sector... Two very experienced foes faced each other from the hills on opposite sides of the town... During the night both sides made a number of advances, were repulsed and advanced again... The Americans had some early gains and managed to capture half of the valley. If it wasn't for some old fortifications left over from the Great War the Germans would have been routed, but they held on. And their reserves kept on pouring in. When morning came the battle lines were a mess... Whole companies were cut off behind enemy lines and the front line was anyone's guess! They were on top of each other - the fighting was intense.. very close and very personal!!


This fictional scenario was designed with two goals in mind:

1) To ensure immediate and continuous combat by two large and varied forces.

2) To test your ability to think on your feet ;)

Both sides will receive some reinforcements of men and armor throughout the battle. The skies are clear and even the Axis will have some air support - so beware! Don't get caught in the open...

Both scenarios have peen posted to SD and should be there in a couple of hours. Note both are now version 2.2 - don't play the older versions.

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